Hey, I'm Cayla.
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Just forget about it :p a person isnt worht losing a friendship over cause in the long run.....you might not be togethe enyway and your gonna wish you would have your friends shoulder to cry on.
I'm Agreeing, Some on direction things are cool, but i dont even like them....and most quotes are about marrying them and its like no, your to young its NEVER gonna happen....i dont even really like witty enymore.
ok, im agreeing with her, one direction guys are all ugly, sound like chicks and are annoying as , and if there lyrics were so inspirational, maybe you would be a little nicer, and not sutch a f uckin .
Well, It Cant End ause Of The Mian Calender Technically Cause It Would Have Ended 7 months ago if it was true, because they didnt have leap years.....so defanatly A Zombie apocolyps! (: