
Status: I might fuck ur mother one day. LMFAO<3
Joined: June 25, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: March 12
user id: 187169
Location: Michigan
I like: Tim Hortans Ice Caps, astronomy, reading, fanfiction, learning, memes, the cold, snow, swimming, when all bugs die, my dog (Penny Lane), camping, traveling, hockey, Red Wings, Blackhawks, Washington State, coffee, psychology, all types of music (NOT country), action movies, comedies, driving when no ones out, conspricy theories,  my laptop, tacos (white ppl kind & also real Mexican kind), Italian food, crab (not lobster tho), hoodies, legging, cropped leggings, and medium rare steak. 

Dislike: cherries, liquid medicine, loud annoying ass ppl in the library (stupid ass c*nts next to me), the huge ass truck fad all the small dicks out there seem to have now, "on fleek eyebrows", long talon nails, the heat, mosquitos (did I spell that right-- I'm pretty bad at spelling and grammer), studing (which I'm avoiding right now), Trump, ppl that hate gays, close-minded ppl, ppl that will cause an up-roar if aliens come to town -- they'll freak the fuck out and destroy everything, ppl that think we're the only ones in the universe (it's f*cking huuuuge - get over yourself), math (so very bad at it, can't even multiply or divide.. yes seriously)  etc............ idk. 

Sincerely bored,


Quotes by Daneymcr123

A world so hateful
some would rather die
than be who they are.

Oblivious Mom‏ #1:

My daughter is always talking about getting the D .....
She better pull her grades up or she will be grounded.

You know your forever alone when,
your allergic to cats.

You left. 

I stayed.

I'm here without you baby,
but your still with me in my dreams.
When you are with me, I'm free,
I'm careless, I believe;
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice.

Never to old for a bath.

But you always find a way to
keep meright here waiting;
You always find the words
to say, to keep me right here

Sick tat brah. 
What's that,
the tribal sign for