Thank You beginning.
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Allan pleace the roses on the table before
Adriana showed up. It was their end of the year date the
planned for month and it was finally here. He washed up extra
this morning and is excited to see his princess. He thought
about her smile and the way it matched her eyes. Today is the
day. Today is the day that we'll be together. He
knows damn well that they'll last they were high
school sweethearts , matter of fact they were the cutest
couples in their hair school.
Allan went into the kitchen to take the steak out of the grill
and place it with the roses on the roses. Steak is Adriana
favorite dinner, extra spice and veggies on the side. Since it
was their dinner he wanted to make it right for her. Nothing
could go wrong he thought, he imagined the way she laughed
while they talked and how much she'll touch his hand like
she always did and how much she had let go even though she
didnt want too. Allan put on his red collar shirt and a
pair of pants. He didnt want to dress too dressy or stay at
home clothes. He wanted it to be special.
When he was done it looked pretty decend. The roses on a good
place the table was clean with the chairs everything fit and it
made him smile.
Adriana , you going to smile just wait and see.
As Adriana was getting ready to put on her best outfit she got
yesterday, pink follower dress and her chestnut hair in a tight
bun and a little touch of make up. She smiled as she
looked at herself in the mirror. The day is finally here, she
thought. After this dinner she is going to wait a couple of
months before she could wait for Allan to ask her to marry her.
Even though her mother, Emily didnt like Allan , Emily thought
Adriana should date a real guy. Allan was too softy he wasnt
going to be here for long. even though she didnt tell that too
Adriana personally put she is going to have too. The four years
they been together is going to end. Today, Now.
"Adriana you have a minute?" Emily saw Adriana
looking pretty as ever.
"Yes mom , look at my dress Allan is going to love
"Adriana, honey, As you know im the Mayor and I personally
know Allan and i dont think its good for you to date anymore,
the kid doesnt wanna go to college what kind of man is
that" Emily laughed as she was saying her
"What ! mom no, I love Allan even if he dont want to go to
college." as Adriana pushed Emily away.
Emily didnt want this to happen , but her anger grew harder ,
"As your mother im suppose to tell you what is right and
the right thing is too leave him you hear me, you dont want too
then im going to have to take the solider to take you and i
will , and yes i will let them take you , you hear
me?"Emily storm and closed the door harder.
The door noises echoed in Adriana head. Before she knew it
tears began to run down her face.
Shes late, Allan thought before he finished his thought a car
pulled over. it was Adriana.
Adriana came running out of the car and crying. Allan rush
toward her and whiped the tears off. Seeing her cry made him
cry. He didnt understand why.
"Whats wrong?" He asked after letting them sit down
on the porch.
"My mom ... Allan.. we cant be together." she finally
said. it took awhile and she looked up at Allan and she could
see that he was hurt. but she continued , "The soliders
will take me and you know what that means , i could end up
killed or something."
Allan stroke her hair , it felt good to Adriana and he knew
"Its okay." He said, it wasnt ok. Adriana is going to
be gone after this forever.
Why end it here when they have a big journey ahead of them.
Why? he thought.
"come and lets it.."
".... for the last time."
Hello, this is my current story and yes i will finish
it, Please comment'
I dont do reminders.
tell me what you think.
no big a/n sorry >.<