
Joined: June 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 310234
Gender: F
whoever i know in person.
kindly get the off my page :*
hey people.
you probably wont like me.
Im not gonna say my age
cause half the people on here are
judgemental .
uhmm i dunno where to start..
i couldn't be any more misunderstood.
Nobody gets me.
but they think they do.
so it me off.
I play basketball and piano
marianas trench is my life.
I am also in love with pierce the veil
and sleeping with sirens.
like actually.
I have a brother and a sister, I'm the middle child
I love writing much.
I write songs.
I also play my songs on the piano.
read my quotes..
(unless youre sarah. in that case get off my page.)
but anywaysss hmu.
youll either like me or hate me.
probably the second one. but idgaf.


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[+] Marianas trench,  Taylor swift,  piano,                                        [-] People who won't shut up about 1D,
writing songs, when my  friends                                         reading,  homework,  b/tches,  getting
actually  care  about  me,  talking,   witty,                                    
     up   early,  most      people     i     know
the  notebook, 
Josh  ramsay,  sleeping,                                        being    misunderstood,     not    being
music, drawing,  summer, tubing, blue,                                       needed, regretting not  saying  things,

campfires,   warm late summer  nights,                                        not having the courage to even speak,
the smell of laundry,  matt webb, carrots                                        people who dont like Marianas trench,
running,   rowing,   painting,                                        one direction,  feeling  annoying,   not
volleyball,   cows,    anteaters,   
boating,                                        being good enough, being neglected,
paintballing,  doing things  that  will  get                                         cleaning,  caring   too  much,  
you   into  
trouble,   being   stupid    and                                         being underestimated because of my
having   way   to   much   fun   doing   so,                                     
   age,    guys     who    just    dont    care
&Being    with    him                      &Not deserving him

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Quotes by DreamScribbler


Pierce     Y o u   M e   a t   S i x              BRING
  the                                               ME THE
  Fall              HORIZON

OUT                       Paramore

                                                            SLEEPING WITH

        MAYDAY                  One Direction

                                    OFMICE & MEN                              SUICIDE
   Blink 182                                       SILENCE

Last wednesday night
a friend of mine got hit by a semi-truck
Hes been in a coma ever since the incident
hes had brain surgery and multiple other orperations

now he's on life support
&when he wakes up he'll most likely be paralyzed
but the thing is
its a one in a million chance that he'll ever open his eyes again
he's only 13 years old
But I have hope for him.
he can beat this.
I know it.
I'm not asking for faves,
but please.
just please

keep him in your prayers

This is the quote i was about to post last thursday
a minute before I went to post it I checked facebook...
I opened my news feed.

The first thing I saw was a status saying his pulse had stopped.
His body had stopped responding.

he was gone.
He was only 13. He was just too young.
Rest in peace Adam
you fought it hard

"I think he likes you!"
she said with a discouraged smile
"He talks like that to everyone."

my quote
my format



You know that girl?
The one that cared about you

way too much.
just know that
If you see her smiling again
 it doesn't mean that she forgot about you, it just means that
she got tired of crying over you
if you see her walking with someone else, its not because she
wants to,
its because you were never there to walk with her
or maybe you just made it too damn hard
maybe the girl that always cared
finally gave up.

my quote.
my format
format credit to DreamScribbler(<<<do NOT remove credit.)

I don't know if it was
just a coincidence,
but last night at
he texted me telling me how beautiful he thinks i am

true story ♥

These are actual children's answers to the question
What is love?

"When somebody loves you, they say your name different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."

-Billy, age 4
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
-Terri, age 4
"Love is what's in the room christmas morning if you stop opening presents and listen."
-Bobby, age 7
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with that friend who you hate."
-Nikka, age 6
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt and after that he wears it everyday."
-Noelle, age 7
"Love is like a little old man and little old woman who are still friends
even after they know each other so well."
-Tommy, age 6


I know what it feels like. Walking down an empty street listening to the sound of your own footsteps. Shutters closed, blinds drawn, doors locked against you. And you're not sure whether you're walking towards something or just walking away.      ♥     ♥        


How do you know when you love someone?


When you wake up, they're the first thought in your head and you're looking at your phone just to see if they called or texted while you were sleeping. And when you go to bed, you fall asleep thinking of them. You start to miss them, even though it hasn't even been longer than a day or so since you last saw them. But Mostly, you put their happiness before your pain. When you really love someone you're willing to give up everything just for them to be happy. You're willing to give it your all, it doesn't matter if that means causing you to be in pain. When you're in love, that person suddenly becomes your top priority, nothing else matters as much as their happiness. Nothing. When you're in love, thats the end of the story.


     I know that you're broken.



                    but I f/cking




be okay.

          please.       please.    
       please.   please.     please.
 please.  please.please. please.  please.
  please.    please.      please.
please. please. please.  please. please.
please. please. please. please. please.
 please.  please. please.   please.