
Status: 3-12// my life is complete now.
Joined: June 5, 2013
Last Seen: 2 years
user id: 362235
Location: loving my husband everywhere
Gender: M

Quotes by Failure*

me in the background trying to fix this soap.
all my babes are asleep. 
but i can't fix 
unfriending you star. 
I am sorry. 

you play your game 
he plays it better. 
he's stronger
he won't 
be taken down 
that easily.

soap. ep 4
"stop making peopel want to kill themselves" 
the fact thats all she had to say. 
to you of all people. 
baby you don't desever that. 

soap. ep 3
This quote does not exist.
pick sides 
cover ups. 

soap ep. 1 
My husband will say it's my fault. 
He's not wrong, he's never wrong.
I'm finally done straying. 
I promise. 
I also realized how long it took for us to get 
this lucky? 
I hope it stays like this. 

my husband and I
we have a child. 

I often wonder how did we got so lucky? 
as I sit here watching them dance.
so quirky.
This quote does not exist.
If we review through my phony excuses
I bet it won't change the past

*I'm sorry*