It's been awhile my dudes
May 22, 2013
Last Seen:
5 years
October 5
user id:
Making my Dreams Come True
That's an exciting day for both of us then huh? I've been doing good, hope the same goes for you. I'm looking forward to going to Riot fest this weekend!
They don't do anything to celebrate.. I don't even hear them say happy anniversary to each other, lmao. And my dad likes to preach that it's because they don't need to shower each other in gifts and showy gestures to prove their love, and I respect that, but it's not a crime to be a little extravagant, especially when you usually aren't. I'm so unlike them in that sense, I will at least be writing sentimental notes to my spouse if not giving them something nicer/bigger.
I will be feeling better once I get a brace and physical therapy for my back (I have a slight curve in my upper spine, possibly minor scoliosis, and it hurts to some degree pretty much every single day) as I've been working often and it doesn't exactly improve the pain, that's for sure. What is Riot fest? It sounds exciting. I bet it has something to do with music, no? ;-P
Sorry for taking so long to respond my computer was kinda down for the count. Nothing wrong with a little extravagance especially when it comes to showing love. Sorry to hear about your pain, hope that all works out for the best. Riot fest is a three day music festival that caters mostly towards the alternative scene. It will be my first festival so I'm pretty excited about it.
I just came back from day 2 and the past few days have been a blast! Yesterday I was able to see State Champs, The Story So Far, Mayday Parade, and A Day to Remember. Each was great for rocking out to, but favorite has to be A Day to Remember. Today my friend and I watched Knuckle Puck and Bayside which was fun. I'm super excited to see Paramore tomorrow!
Haha it's not a fact I keep hidden. I started out pretty close, but due to some pushing kinda ended up in a mosh pit, which I would've been fine in, but my friend I brought along was NOT. So, I let her lead us to the back. (Admittedly too in the back like there was an ocean of people between the stage and us) BUT I didn't let that keep me from dancing! It was a glorious night indeed.
I'm that friend. I need personal space, I do not enjoy sweating and being pushed and squeezed. That's lovely that you were so considerate of her feelings even in an environment you enjoyed and wanted to be part of, you sound like good company to keep. I would also be too shy to go into full on dance mode, so good on you for letting loose. (And being in the far back? With my poor eyesight and short legs? Big inconvenience. Concerts just all around are not my scene, I suppose- unless it was in air condition and attendees were seated. My high maintenance self has stipulations, ha.) Hopefully you'll get to actually meet or make some kind of contact with one or all of the band members someday!
Aww, thanks! Yeah, the mosh pit wasn't really part of the plan and she's never really been in one and almost lost her shoe! So, I figured moving would've been a pretty good idea. I've seen Paramore three times now, but it would be a dream come true to meet them. I've been to a couple of concerts where actual seating was an option (Paramore being one of them) and they were just as lovely as jumping up and down in a crowd of people.
when you realize it's been over a year since we've talked so you probably don't remember me o-o but still pvris,and all the other bands you post on your quotes are great
okay I just want to say thank you for always favoriting my quotes and also your profile is amazing, everything about it. Twenty One Pilots is amazing and I love how all of your quotes are lyrics from their songs (also this font is super cute)
Also, your music taste rocks \m/
Thanks! I take great pride in it haha.
I will be feeling better once I get a brace and physical therapy for my back (I have a slight curve in my upper spine, possibly minor scoliosis, and it hurts to some degree pretty much every single day) as I've been working often and it doesn't exactly improve the pain, that's for sure. What is Riot fest? It sounds exciting. I bet it has something to do with music, no? ;-P
Thank you for asking.
I will follow back right away.
laugh every time
A day to remember is great.