
Status: and well, you already do have someone better than me.
Joined: May 17, 2012
Last Seen: 8 months
Birthday: October 9
user id: 300337
Location: In your closet
Gender: F

Oh my glob! LUMP OFF

♥ Leave Your Mark On The World ♥
♥ Feelings That Came Back Are Feelings That Never Went Away ♥

// Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry //
[+] Family | My country | Honesty | My laptop | WiFi | iPhone 5 | Purple | Hot pink | Black | True friendship | Food | Fruits | ORANGESSSS ♥ | Nutella | Chocolate | Good grades | WITTY PROFILES | Dance | Music | Reading | HARRY POTTER | Childish behaviour | Emo | Laughing | Making quotes | Chatting | Secret Diaries | Horror movies | Scary rides | Emoticons ^^
[-] MATH | People who say ANYTHING against my country | Love | Emotions | SISTERS | Liars | Judgemental people | Crying in front of someone | Attention-seekers | Sharing my weaknesses with anyone | Socialising | Over-smart b!tches | Make up | People younger to me who think they're better | Babies | Animals | Bugs | Reptiles | Disrespect | People who tell me I can't | Cooking | Sports | House chores | School | Homework | Writing | Samsung | Fakes | Bing | Sorrow | Dentists | Milk | Travelling | Marriage | Hearts | Getting out of my room | SLOW TYPERS |

|| HACKS ||

Hacked by MoonAngel.
[because I'm fabulous]

Well girl , You are the bestest most beautiful friend of them all , shush keep that secret  o; omg so where do i begin? You're personality , your looks , everything , its perfect. You're beautiful inside and out. You have qualities that every girl wishes and dies for.. We've never been in any fights , or maybe I have idk , I DONT REMEMBER OK?!dont hurt me omg. Well idk tbh , Idk what I'd do without u , as i said you're my other half ;) Omg I have a girl crush on you, woops? c; If I knew you in real , I would treat you like my sister, not that we arnt sisters , well , yeah we're related ok? ok. I trust you with everything , you've never told anyone about my secrets[apart from ThatIrishKid ofc *wink* wink*] and I appreciate that.Thank you , for being there for me when I was dying because of ducks. Yes you know what i mean MWAHAHHAHAHHHA. I know you've gone through a lot and you're one of the most strongest people I've met. I love you so much omfg. And I should probably stop writing now , or your profiles going to be long ok , I could write a book for you omg.

Stay perfect
[I'm so jelly of your amazing personality D:<]

Hacked by That_Irish_Kid.

Hi there :D this is Fruits best friend, Evan. 
I decided to hack her account because I was bored and honestly I wanted to stirr the pot amongst her followers a little bit. DONT JUDGE :D
Fruits legit awesome, so recommend her to youre friends (if you have any. No judgement here)
so yah
Also, if you feel like going over and following me too, my username is That_Irish_Kid
So anyway :D
from Fruits Best friend

Comments by 永久*

永久* 8 months ago to Sesame
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Happy birthday, Ses ♡ (17.05.24); this is Fruit99Punch btw!
永久* 2 years ago to Sesame
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Happy birthday, Ses!
永久* 3 years ago to Sesame
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Hi Ses, it's me, Fruit... Happy birthday :)
永久* 4 years ago to bluegreeneyes28
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Heyyy!! I stumbled upon your profile after YEARSSSS! I used to read your story 'Living with my Ex' SO RELIGIOUSLY like years ago omg. SO GONNA RE-READ IT AGAIN!!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??????
永久* 5 years ago to Sesame
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Happy birthday Sesame...
永久* 6 years ago to Steve
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STEVE. I spoke to you on "chat" about 2 years ago, and you gave me advice on what to do in university and it has really helped me so much. I'm currently in university, first year, away from my homeland, and back on Witty, just to feel nostalgic and say THANK YOU to you. Please keep witty up forever, we need it. So many of our childhood games and websites have closed and witty is something too dear for us to lose.
How are you doing, Steve? (i'm honestly in tears typing this message to you...)
Been seeing your dinosaur profile picture since yearrrrrrs now and it just feels so nostalgic and good :) Stay happy, keep in touch with us, have a great day ahead!
Steve 6 years ago to Steve
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I'm happy to hear you are doing well. I always feel thankful (and lucky and undeserving) that Witty grew into a place where everyone can feel at home. Here's to years of continued success for all of us.
永久* 7 years ago to ChocoTaco
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Heyyy gurlll you were active a month ago?? That's coooool! How are you doing
永久* 7 years ago to jazmine101gold
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hiiiiiiiii omg you're active on Witty!
永久* 8 years ago to Sesame
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Happy birthday Sesame!! c: How do I get back in contact with you? :(
永久* 8 years ago to DrewAlex45
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Hii! You're most welcome! Yes, friends do help a lot when we try to move on... It's not impossible, Alex. Trust me. Do you want to talk? Any app that you use? Come on, smile more often.. It's not fair to you that you are depressed and he's not (I assume??) Are you gay? :D I'VE READ SO MANY STORIES WHERE THE MAIN CHARACTER HAS A GAY BEST FRIEND like wow, I never had a gay friend... However, this would be really embarrassing if you're not gay...
Failure* 8 years ago to DrewAlex45
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Oh I am totally gay, don't sweat it, haha, well once I get my phone back I can add you on kik or something? I don't do much in social media because my life is so messy. I read so many books like that too, it makes me laugh because its always so cute. :3 I'm sure he's sad bout it, just wish he'd answer me :')
永久* 8 years ago to DrewAlex45
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Hi Alex. We've never spoken before... But I just wanna tell you that moving on is possible and it's a great feeling. A week ago, I had the exact same thoughts as you do now. It sucked, being stuck in those memories...
If you ever need any help OR any advices on how to move on, I'm always here c:
Keep smiling, buddy!
Failure* 8 years ago to DrewAlex45
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Hello, and thank you for the support I was in a bad place but a friend did help me out, Moving on past this is almost impossible for me though he's all I really have in my life that's close but thank you for being so sweet, I'll smile just for you tonight.
永久* 8 years ago to DrewAlex45
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Hii! You're most welcome! Yes, friends do help a lot when we try to move on... It's not impossible, Alex. Trust me. Do you want to talk? Any app that you use? Come on, smile more often.. It's not fair to you that you are depressed and he's not (I assume??) Are you gay? :D I'VE READ SO MANY STORIES WHERE THE MAIN CHARACTER HAS A GAY BEST FRIEND like wow, I never had a gay friend... However, this would be really embarrassing if you're not gay...
Failure* 8 years ago to DrewAlex45
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Oh I am totally gay, don't sweat it, haha, well once I get my phone back I can add you on kik or something? I don't do much in social media because my life is so messy. I read so many books like that too, it makes me laugh because its always so cute. :3 I'm sure he's sad bout it, just wish he'd answer me :')
永久* 8 years ago to Gopika
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You live in india, right? Can we chat?
Cupcake22* 8 years ago to Gopika
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right..m from india ..yes we can chat...
Cupcake22* 8 years ago to Gopika
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n thnkq so much :)
永久* 8 years ago to Gopika
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Hey :) What do you want to know about ryan98?
Cupcake22* 8 years ago to Gopika
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if u can help me.
永久* 8 years ago to Gopika
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You live in india, right? Can we chat?
Cupcake22* 8 years ago to Gopika
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right..m from india ..yes we can chat...
Cupcake22* 8 years ago to Gopika
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n thnkq so much :)
Cupcake22* 8 years ago to Gopika
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hey well...like. if u have any of his...contact
永久* 9 years ago to Fruit99punch
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I've been on Witty since 4 years! Woah, I didn't realise that it's been soo long :o
永久* 9 years ago to Fruit99punch
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Awwww thank you!!!! I really like Witty :)
musicure 9 years ago to Fruit99punch
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Same :D i used to use it back in 2012/ 2013 and forgot about it until now, so made a new account! How long have you been using it for? (:
永久* 9 years ago to Fruit99punch
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I've been on Witty since 4 years! Woah, I didn't realise that it's been soo long :o
永久* 9 years ago to musicure
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Thank you haha :)
What's up?
永久* 9 years ago to musicure
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I really like your quotes :)
musicure 9 years ago to musicure
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I'm really glad :D
& also glad I've now found your profile (=
永久* 9 years ago to musicure
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Thank you haha :)
What's up?
永久* 9 years ago to ChocoTaco
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永久* 9 years ago to Fruit99punch
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You're welcome!
永久* 9 years ago to Fruit99punch
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Yeeeepp ;)
How are you? :)