
Status: and well, you already do have someone better than me.
Joined: May 17, 2012
Last Seen: 8 months
Birthday: October 9
user id: 300337
Location: In your closet
Gender: F

Oh my glob! LUMP OFF

♥ Leave Your Mark On The World ♥
♥ Feelings That Came Back Are Feelings That Never Went Away ♥

// Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry //
[+] Family | My country | Honesty | My laptop | WiFi | iPhone 5 | Purple | Hot pink | Black | True friendship | Food | Fruits | ORANGESSSS ♥ | Nutella | Chocolate | Good grades | WITTY PROFILES | Dance | Music | Reading | HARRY POTTER | Childish behaviour | Emo | Laughing | Making quotes | Chatting | Secret Diaries | Horror movies | Scary rides | Emoticons ^^
[-] MATH | People who say ANYTHING against my country | Love | Emotions | SISTERS | Liars | Judgemental people | Crying in front of someone | Attention-seekers | Sharing my weaknesses with anyone | Socialising | Over-smart b!tches | Make up | People younger to me who think they're better | Babies | Animals | Bugs | Reptiles | Disrespect | People who tell me I can't | Cooking | Sports | House chores | School | Homework | Writing | Samsung | Fakes | Bing | Sorrow | Dentists | Milk | Travelling | Marriage | Hearts | Getting out of my room | SLOW TYPERS |

|| HACKS ||

Hacked by MoonAngel.
[because I'm fabulous]

Well girl , You are the bestest most beautiful friend of them all , shush keep that secret  o; omg so where do i begin? You're personality , your looks , everything , its perfect. You're beautiful inside and out. You have qualities that every girl wishes and dies for.. We've never been in any fights , or maybe I have idk , I DONT REMEMBER OK?!dont hurt me omg. Well idk tbh , Idk what I'd do without u , as i said you're my other half ;) Omg I have a girl crush on you, woops? c; If I knew you in real , I would treat you like my sister, not that we arnt sisters , well , yeah we're related ok? ok. I trust you with everything , you've never told anyone about my secrets[apart from ThatIrishKid ofc *wink* wink*] and I appreciate that.Thank you , for being there for me when I was dying because of ducks. Yes you know what i mean MWAHAHHAHAHHHA. I know you've gone through a lot and you're one of the most strongest people I've met. I love you so much omfg. And I should probably stop writing now , or your profiles going to be long ok , I could write a book for you omg.

Stay perfect
[I'm so jelly of your amazing personality D:<]

Hacked by That_Irish_Kid.

Hi there :D this is Fruits best friend, Evan. 
I decided to hack her account because I was bored and honestly I wanted to stirr the pot amongst her followers a little bit. DONT JUDGE :D
Fruits legit awesome, so recommend her to youre friends (if you have any. No judgement here)
so yah
Also, if you feel like going over and following me too, my username is That_Irish_Kid
So anyway :D
from Fruits Best friend

永久*'s Favorite Quotes

I've seen people here
making 'Fave this and I'll rate you out of 10' quotes, and they rate others 2.
TWO. Do you actually know how that can hurt people? Do you know how much it can lower a girl's self-esteem? Do you know how insecure it can make them feel?
I know this sounds really cheesy and everything, but if I ever made one of those quotes, I would give everyone 10. You all deserve it.


thank God for my health.
For you I almost ran myself
to the ground.

Just so you could
hold me.
How sad it is to watch
Something you didn't
want all along happen-

Happy birthday, Sesame :)
and happy 9th Witty birthday to me!

What is Palestine? Is it recognized? Not on the map! I will tell you about Palestine:

Palestine is a state founded by  Canaanite Arabs, they were the first who live in it,

and therefore Palestine belongs to the Arabs ... Palestine does not deny that the

children of Israel lived in it, they inhabited it after Arabs. Some world says Israel

was the first to possess it. Go to history before opening your mouth. They say they

are Israelis, but in fact they are from Europe or America, and if we examined their

DNA, we would know their origins well .. The strange thing is that Israel was created

in 1948 after the killing of the Palestinians and occuping their lands. Thousands of

Palestinians have been attacked recently, and Islamic sanctities have been violated.

The world has not seen what Israel has done, but when Gaza sent missiles for the

purpose of defense, the Palestinians were accused of being criminals.   I want to

laugh from world's behavior. They laugh as if we are stupid, but in fact they are the

idiots. You are human with brains, not animals. Think!!!!!! Palestine welcomes

everyone from all over the world who wants to live in it. But you cannot steal lands

and encroach on others. I met people from America who came to Palestine to live in it.

Welcome to them and they became one of us.

Israel is surrounded by Arab countries. Wow! A big miracle! It has Arab buildings like

those in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. Israel has Arabic food .. Where is the history of

Israel I don’t see it? Where are the historical monuments? The Dome of the Rock

represents a deep history and has Arabic inscriptions on it Jerusalem is Arab

buildings, Arabic writings on buildings, olive trees, Arab neighborhood names, Arabic

food ... everything is Arabic (history will ensure that you know everything about

Jerusalem and Palestine as well).

she always leaves the door unlocked and that's the way she loves him, that's the way she loves everyone.
اسْتَمِعْ لِقَلْبِكَ وَ لا تَتَجاهلْهُ أبَداًلا تُنْكِر أنَّهُ آمَنَ بِوُجودِ خالقٍ أو أَنّّهُ أَحَبَّ فُلاناًتَذَكَّرْ عَدَمَ تَجاهُلِ قَلبك
"Libraries are dying --"
The local library needs to become that place of congregation. It should combine coffee shop, book exchange, playgroup, art gallery, museum and performance. It must be the therapist of the mind. It must be what medieval churches once were.
Is it me you're
Could I
your mind?