Joined: March 6, 2010
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Quotes by HARRYPOTTERforlifex95

I don't know when

I don't know how

But I know something's starting right now

Watch and you'll see,

Someday I'll be

Part Of Your World

What the duck is your problem?!

God donut, I ment duck.

My ducking phone won't let me ducking cuss!
I know we're suppossed to be
mad at eachother and everything,
but this is too funny!:)

Shut up, you ducking shut head.

You know what? Screw this. Bye.

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change.
cause girl I GOT THAT BOOM

You ruin every moment.




* you just said that in spongebob's voice didn't you?

          i don`t care what nobody say,
                    i`mma be me
Years from now
I wont remember e v e r y Friday night,
Or the things that made us l a u g h so
Hard 'till our stomachs h u r t, but I
Will always-- remember that y o u
Were the [o n e] who was (there)
Thanks For the  g r e a t times
&+ m e m o r i e s

In the end, its not about the score of the game.
Its not about how many wins you losses you had.
Its not about how good you team is.
Its about the friendships you made playing the sport you all love.

[                             ]
we're more than just a team;we're sisters


*the 5th line is for the team name
*use if you'd like just give me creditt :)

cause i could go
ac r o s s the world
and seeeverything
and never be satisfied
... if i couldnt seethose eyes. <3

I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Michael Jordan  #23 

Lookin' back now ooh it makes me laugh we were growin' our hair we were cuttin class, knew it all already there was nothin' to learn, we were strikin' matches just to watch em' burn, listen to our music just a little too loud, we were hangin' in thee with the outcast crowd, head to the rapids with some discount beer, it was a long ways trouble but we had no fear, man i wish wish i new when the time goes, but it sure goes fast, just like that, we wanna be rebels that didn't have a clue, with our rock n roll t-shirts and our typically bad attitude, had no excuses for the things that we've done we were brave we were crazy we were mostly young.

-Kenny Chesney
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