I was drunk and it was a mistake but acording to Sam Im not the only one whos cheated in this relationship and I dont think its working out and we should see other people but by the looks of your profile youve moved on already and youre already single. Great dump me without telling me? Youre a lovely guy :)
"I was drunk" she said when she was really sitting on her bed doing nothing.
"according to sam" she said even tho she IS sam.
"dump me" she said even tho shes never even met this guy.
thanks well it was before i was with u i had with some1 and im not that bother really so we thourgh so yeah i cheted on u cus u did it to me and that y im mad at you so im worthless and just not that botherd and ur a nice person 2 :)
Whatever you're going through, whatever struggles you're facing, face them with PRIDE, with CONFIDENCE. Because someday, you are going to look back to these days and proudly say "I survived that." And you will. You definitely will. You know you will, I know you will and no matter what happens, YOU WILL SURVIVE. You know why? Because YOU ARE STRONG. Don't believe me? Well, who's the one that's lived up till now? Who's the one that smiles, despite their pain? Who's the one that has the ability to feel emotions and hasn't shut them out even after going through so much? Who's the one that's going to extreme measures just to live? Who's the one that helps others, despite the fact that you desperately need help yourself? Who's the one that got out of bed this morning? Who's the one that is sitting or lying down, reading this right now instead of dying? That's right, it's none other than YOU. You, my darling, are a strong person. You will get through this, and it will someday be just a nostalgic memory. Don't you dare let yourself think otherwise, because if you do, you're lying to yourself. Iloveyou <3
You are a piece of treasure. A priceless, valuable piece of treasure. You are of VALUE. Value yourself, because something valuable should be nothing but valued. Love yourself, because something as beautiful as you should be cared for and forgiven every day, every night.
Here are the results! Sam was voted Prom King! If you have a chance, show him this on your phone or something. He might need this to perk him up sometime. Make sure you tell him that I voted for him and that I can't wait for him to get back! I miss him to death! And because of you, I got voted theater geek!
Yeah. Like me. :) Thank you! You know what I find funny though. I thought that this Eli dude got voted prom king, but there must have been a lot of people who voted for Sam on CharliesTheName's quote. Which is not a bad thing at all!
Omfg you better tell me what is wrong with Sam like right now. I went on his page because I have not talked to him in a while, and I was telling him to go on chat. Then I saw some of the comments and I am worried. I have no idea what is going on. So I guess if you wanted to talk about this on chat or something that would be fine. Just keep in mind that I live in the U.S. so when it is 9 at night by you, it is 4 by me, so that is when you would have to talk to me.
whoever this is.
its so pathetic smh
"according to sam" she said even tho she IS sam.
"dump me" she said even tho shes never even met this guy.
Whatever you're going through, whatever struggles you're facing, face them with PRIDE, with CONFIDENCE. Because someday, you are going to look back to these days and proudly say "I survived that." And you will. You definitely will. You know you will, I know you will and no matter what happens, YOU WILL SURVIVE. You know why? Because YOU ARE STRONG. Don't believe me? Well, who's the one that's lived up till now? Who's the one that smiles, despite their pain? Who's the one that has the ability to feel emotions and hasn't shut them out even after going through so much? Who's the one that's going to extreme measures just to live? Who's the one that helps others, despite the fact that you desperately need help yourself? Who's the one that got out of bed this morning? Who's the one that is sitting or lying down, reading this right now instead of dying? That's right, it's none other than YOU. You, my darling, are a strong person. You will get through this, and it will someday be just a nostalgic memory. Don't you dare let yourself think otherwise, because if you do, you're lying to yourself. Iloveyou <3
You are a piece of treasure. A priceless, valuable piece of treasure. You are of VALUE. Value yourself, because something valuable should be nothing but valued. Love yourself, because something as beautiful as you should be cared for and forgiven every day, every night.
Smile, you're beautiful <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxo
Here are the results! Sam was voted Prom King! If you have a chance, show him this on your phone or something. He might need this to perk him up sometime. Make sure you tell him that I voted for him and that I can't wait for him to get back! I miss him to death! And because of you, I got voted theater geek!