
Status: Follow me I follow back :)
Joined: August 27, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 212456
Location: Canada
Gender: F
Cute Pink KaoaniLife Quotes, Life Quote Graphics, Life Sayingsy 


-Love the shows: Pretty Little Liars, Friends, and Big Bang Theory
Love the movies: The Notebook, Shrek Forever after, Titanic and the Lion King
_Favorite sport: fencing

My tumblr: 

IHeartCupCakes's Favorite Quotes


-The awkward hugs

-The hugs you get from family members

-The hugs you get from your bestfriends

and then there's the hugs

-where you just don't want to let go

Dear Santa, I don't want anything for Christmas except for the person reading this to have an amazing Christmas.
Today is my 10 Year Anniversary on Witty Profiles.

                     it started ouwitkiss.
                                                                              how did it end up like this? 
                                                                                                    iwas onlkiss.


Me: *Reading a book*
Person: What are you reading?
Me: *holds up book while continuing to read*
Person: Oh yeah, I read that book! Did you get to the part where ________ dies?

It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs
because they always take things literally.
This quote does not exist.

am i the only one who tries to
learn lyrics to rap songs so i can surprise people during car rides.



se200and thin
            "oh 3 years ago" and then it hits me that it was 6 f//cking years ago


Stop watering the weeds in your life and start watering the flowers.