I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
May 31, 2013
Last Seen:
5 years
user id:
Canada, NS
It was so awkward at the beginning, and his dad basically interrogated me on the way to the theater, but it was really fun. (and we sorta/kinda held hands on the way there which was really cute). I would say more but I'm extremely tired and gonna go to bed. (I CANT STOP SMILING)
Aha lol, uh.. not sure how I would make it into a book.. I just kinda like writing about my life sometimes in random little paragraphs. Kind of like a diary? Idk. But I'll try to make it into a story if you want :p FOR THE WITTIANS!
Thank you wittians! These comments really boosted my self esteem for some reason but I'm now confident enough to ask him out. I'm gonna go for it next time I see him. I love how I can talk about anything with yall :') Thankyou!
I agree with xtarynx3. It seems like he does like you. You should see if he does. Maybe hint that you like him and see what he does. If you're feeling brave you could ask him if he likes you/ tell him you like him or if you're feeling shy you can always have a friend help you out and do a little spying for you. What's the worse that can happen? He says no, but that's highly unlikely it seems to me like this boy gots the hots for you
i think he likes you. take the chance if he makes you happy. at least ask him. he seems to be dropping plenty of hints and if i were you i wouldnt let that go. The worst he can say is no, which i bet wont happen. seems like major flirting to me
Thank you so much for the advice :'D
After reading all these comments I think I'm gonna go for it. I love how I can obsess over problems on witty and you guys are all so helpful and great about it! :)
I like it! It seems a little unrealistic though with how quickly the teacher threw her out for doing nothing. Possibly tone it down a bit...
But still really good!
After reading all these comments I think I'm gonna go for it. I love how I can obsess over problems on witty and you guys are all so helpful and great about it! :)
But still really good!