I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
May 31, 2013
Last Seen:
5 years
user id:
Canada, NS
It was so awkward at the beginning, and his dad basically interrogated me on the way to the theater, but it was really fun. (and we sorta/kinda held hands on the way there which was really cute). I would say more but I'm extremely tired and gonna go to bed. (I CANT STOP SMILING)
It was so awkward at the beginning, and his dad basically interrogated me on the way to the theater, but it was really fun. (and we sorta/kinda held hands on the way there which was really cute). I would say more but I'm extremely tired and gonna go to bed. (I CANT STOP SMILING)
It was so awkward at the beginning, and his dad basically interrogated me on the way to the theater, but it was really fun. (and we sorta/kinda held hands on the way there which was really cute). I would say more but I'm extremely tired and gonna go to bed. (I CANT STOP SMILING)
Haha you're welcome! I understand where the pro-choice side comes from, because I understand that they probably don't want the kid, (but that's where adoption comes in!!!) But then I think of the poor baby dying without a choice and then my friend and I'm like omg what if he was aborted and I never met him?! I would literally be such a different person!!! And I'm just like OMG that could never happen! But it's kinda stupid when people argue about it, if you want someone to see your point of view speak logically, don't create a huge argument or your just gunna make everyone mad! People are silly haha
This is such a huge argument among people that it's crazy lmao.. I'm Pro choice myself but I'm moderately curious what a pro life's opinion is. What's your opinion on ra.ped? Like if the girl was ra.ped and didn't want the baby is it still wrong in your eyes or? (I don't want to start anything, I know this is a delicate subject. I'm just curious what a pro life's opinion is on
I look at it like this. Yes the poor girl didn't want to get pregnant, like that's horrible, she didn't choose to get pregnant, and that completely sucks. But that baby didn't choose to get made either. It didn't choose for that mom to get and to get pregnant so it's not fair for you to rob it of it's life. If you don't want a baby you can always give it up for adoption. There are hundreds of couples that can't have babies that I'm sure would love to have your kid. One of my best friends is a r.ape baby. If he was aborted I wouldn't know him and my life would be soooo different I wouldn't even know what I would be doing right now. He's impacted my life so much. Abortion shouldn't even be an option because it's robbing that poor baby of their life.
Haha you're welcome! I understand where the pro-choice side comes from, because I understand that they probably don't want the kid, (but that's where adoption comes in!!!) But then I think of the poor baby dying without a choice and then my friend and I'm like omg what if he was aborted and I never met him?! I would literally be such a different person!!! And I'm just like OMG that could never happen! But it's kinda stupid when people argue about it, if you want someone to see your point of view speak logically, don't create a huge argument or your just gunna make everyone mad! People are silly haha
Aha lol, uh.. not sure how I would make it into a book.. I just kinda like writing about my life sometimes in random little paragraphs. Kind of like a diary? Idk. But I'll try to make it into a story if you want :p FOR THE WITTIANS!
Thank you wittians! These comments really boosted my self esteem for some reason but I'm now confident enough to ask him out. I'm gonna go for it next time I see him. I love how I can talk about anything with yall :') Thankyou!
Thank you so much for the advice :'D
After reading all these comments I think I'm gonna go for it. I love how I can obsess over problems on witty and you guys are all so helpful and great about it! :)
you know what? This angers me just so much. You sound just so selfish. Being suicidal. You obviously don't understand the gift you have been given. You have been given the gift of life, and you almost decided to waste it. Throw it away. Not everybody gets that gift, kid. Some people hold onto it longer than others, and some people decide it isn't worth it. And those who decide it's not worth it just discust me.
Please do not judge if you do not know the story. Personally, I do not feel the struggle I face is selfish. Suicide is a real part of a mental illness known as depression. It can also come with many other mental illnesses, such as scitzofrenia (please excuse my atrocious spelling, it is not my forte). I felt selfish for so long after I had realized that my depression had led to my friend's anxiety. However, I realized one day that wanting help, reaching out, did not make me selfish. I had reached out to her, to others, my parents, my doctor, a psychiatrist, I'd wrote online and off, all these to try to deal with what was going through. When I tried to kill myself, I felt like I had no other option. Please understand, I had been suffering with issues with bullying, body insecurities, and self harm for many years at that point. I thought I'd reached my limit, that I could do this no more. I was scared and alone, and I tried so hard to find a reason to live, but could find none. I saw my only possible future as one where I was a cancer to society and to my family. To me, killing myself was the only choice left, only thing I could do. Since then, I have been trying to live my life. There are still times when suicide crosses my mind, and you must try to understand that people make me feel worthless every day of their lives. I know some amazing people out there are stronger than me, but I'm frail emotionally. I did not chose my battles. I did not ask God to make me this way. The fact that you said that I sound selfish because I'm being suicidal obviously reflects on your lack of understanding of the illness that is depression, the demon that is suicide. I never elected to feel irrevocably broken, but that is what I feel like. Selfish would imply that I only thought of myself, but every day I think of my family and friends. I don't want to hurt them, that has never been my intention. The thing is though, I'm a grenade. We all are. We're all waiting to explode, and if I do by my own hand, I fought tooth and nail until there was nothing left. I know you don't understand from my perspective, nor I from yours, but I never want to put my family and friends through my death. I haven't even mentioned that I've felt suicidal again to my friend that I mentioned above, because she deserves better than to worry. She deserves better than me.
After reading all these comments I think I'm gonna go for it. I love how I can obsess over problems on witty and you guys are all so helpful and great about it! :)