Time to re-do this - 'about you' - business. We begin with the guy right here, right now, and waiting for nothing anymore. I'm a busy guy and sometimes it gets to be a grind and then - nope. Love it. Love the creative man I am and you know, at this age, if you don't respond to the calling, you don't. At least I no longer chase cars or bay at the moon, folks.
I'm disabled but it means less as time goes on; when you learn how to tame the monsters inside, they do the strangest thing: they'd rather be doing what you're doing. For me, it's art and music. I live and breathe it and it is the wellspring of my soul or some such fancy thing. But it is an absolute.
I am at a ripe old age where I have lost my interest in nonsense and honed my loves instead. I am sometimes seen as a curmudgeon, the 'get off my lawn' guy. That's only part of the story and mostly happens when I haven't been well treated, or have had no coffee, I am actually filled with love that doesn't have anywhere to go these days, so it ends up in my work and that suits me.
I've been busier than ever just getting up to speed and juggling everything, kitchen sink and all. I am as of this moment embarking on finally producing a third album that I hope people will love. No, it doesn't come with all the burden of that 'I'm so great you must love me or else the world ends' attitude. Tidbits of the project are all over this site, here and there, post and story, pictures and people. Making music is a sacred business to me. Writing and arranging come when they come, and not before. I am taking my time but moving ever forward. The best thing is that for this third album, I am recruiting some of the wonderfully talented people I know. I'm going to beg them to work like mad for recognition and no money. Welcome to the business.
So of course it means making art, video production, and story writing. And of course, songwriting, the furious study of everything, and ignoring my wonderful cat Hercules at my peril. But we make up, and he will come screaming at me to get off the computer and pay him heed. And if he's right, that's just what I do. He is the only man in my life and we have an agreement: I shut up and feed him, and he ignores me some more. Perfect. We love each other like crazy, and statistically, we're the same age. We take our pleasure in baths and naps like good seniors.
I don't see people very often anymore, and my social skills are a tad on the rusty side. But I love people and am by nature drawn to those who are artistically adept. I am glad to know so many talented people who don't mess around, they walk the walk. I am good at the organizational side of things and it comes in handy. For example, here's my current list of activities at the spry age of 66 years.
I am writing songs and lyrics and it is the most important thing on the horizon.
I do as much art as I can, and am a constant study of life and what it provides. Art makes me vital, it makes my frontal lobe go wild, and I am humbled by what I do and never take it for granted.
I write as often as I can. I am working on projects as I find the time. To start with, I'm making a music video of a Celtic lament. It is a magnificent story and includes a brave Shetland pony of renown. I am planning a music video which will be my first foray into animation for my song 'She's Got Everything'. It has a chase scene through Rodeo Drive after a spoiled rich woman all to free the man I love.
I am studying computer software of many kinds and have a new computer that I call MonsterMan.
To learn all about what I do, write, the music I make, the art and all the rest of what I love that makes me tick, go to jimglinesarts.com, and go to the Introductions Page on the main menu. Meet my main man Hercules The Wonder Cat. Find out why I can't stand duck lips. But if you want to get to know me well, then check out my art, music, videos and all the things I am passionate about. Everything on the site is my work or if not, says whose it is; I do not sell anything or make any sort of income on this site. Nothing is for sale unless we make an agreement to do so. I actively encourage others and want them to join me as we discover the art and science of editing still images and video. And make sure you meet everyone at Hercules and Kit, a comic near and dear to my heart. Oh, and The Oz Chronicles, too!