
Joined: June 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: March 19
user id: 183087
Location: Maine
Gender: F

I'm Jasmine, I was born on March 19th, 1997. I have been through so much. People don't realize how fragile I am. I cry so easily. But I don't choose to be that way. I have a lot of anger and pain inside of me, that no amount of time will make go away. It will always be there. On August 16th 2010 I was . I spent the first year after that not eating, cutting, smoking, drinking. Anything to kill the pain and make me forget. I had to deal with it all on my own. I had no help. Then I told my therapist who told my mom. And for the past year I have been fighting for justice. It hasn't been easy. I have tried to kill myself 12 times. My dad is an alcoholic that doesn't care about me, my siblings, or mom. I have been put through the ringer. Lets just say that. But people forget, and they think I am fine. But I'm not. I'm pretty miserable on the inside. But I've learned no one likes a sad girl. So I try to hide it all. 

But I do have an amazingly perfect boyfriend who makes it easier. We've been dating since 3/3/12. He's my best friend and boyfriend and I don't know where I'd be without him. He gives my life a meaning, and makes me feel special. He tells me that I'm beautiful, even though he knows what I think about myself. He seems to always know how to make me smile. I love him so much, and I will marry this boy someday. People spend their whole lives searching for a love like this. And I was lucky enough to find it early. He'll always be my boy, Through tuff, hard, and hell. Forever and always.

Quote Comments by Jasminekaybutterfly

Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #5603387
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Oh my. My jaw has dropped. Thank you.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6329266
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*** please don't comment on this, I don't really want anyone's sympathy. I just needed one person to know what I'm feeling***
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6314139
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Beautiful- He is we
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6306397
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Thank you(:
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6290374
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Thank you everyone, it means a lot.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6236466
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@comriestar no
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6213137
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If you do, you should follow me :D
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6186269
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Pshh! yea- No. no I cant.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6168133
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Whats wrong
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6164665
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@BrianaLee SOONER! No need for someone to be so cruel.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6164665
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Yeah I know, This was a guy who decided to stir up crap on facebook.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6129654
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I'm just that attractive (;
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6112883
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Yes It is, I absolutely loved those lines.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6086889
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And she loves you too. Oh so much < 3
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6081505
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I am so glad I've inspired so many people!(: this is why I haven't left witty.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6082077
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Not to be a total b*tch.... But isn't something to joke about. It mess's someone up for the rest of their life.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6077914
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Its pretty sad when I realized that someone commented on my quote, that it would be someone yelling at me. Man, Witty has changed.
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6077807
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I live in maine too xD How weird
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6056374
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Theres a bar under "People you might like" That says; Search users
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Jasminekaybutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6038205
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