
Joined: September 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 332726
Gender: F
I love my dog and books. nuff' said

Quotes by Jazmine453

What happened to people putting "NMF/NMQ" at the bottom of their quotes.
"F*** me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa?" - Heather #1
Today, my dad asked my mom to feel his forehead ( for a fever I presume).
After she felt it she replied in a completely serious voice,
"It feels like a forehead honey."
It was absolutley hilarious.
Whenever I feel lonely or unatractive. I just remember Captain Jack Harkness would still like me. And it brings the smile right back to my face.

I <3 Doctor Who
When someone copies your quote then get`s more favs then you. -_-
Suicide doesn't end the pain.

It just gives it to your loved ones.

Don't give up.
There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.
Homework probably can't kill me, but why take the chance when there is Witty.
A day without sunshine is like,you know,night.
Knowing my highschool class will one day rule the nation. Puts the fear of God into me.