Hi Steve! I know for a fact you don’t remember me because there were so many users on here and you’ve probably had billions of comments throughout the years that this website has been up. However, I unfortunately remember very vividly my humiliating days here on witty-profiles. I was super super young with a frontal lobe the size of a peanut, so my behaviour was pretty much attention-seeking and humiliating, and I remember at one point my life goal was being witty famous. Anyhow, I also remember blasting your comments literally every day at one point about anything and everything, many times being arrogant, and I also realize now that I’m older, that although your identity has remained anonymous, that us users creating accounts, you most likely can find out who we are on your end. As such, I have to sincerely apologize, I don’t know why but every time I think of this, I cringe and I have to say I’m so embarrassed lol. But nonetheless, I hope everything is still amazing for you on your end, witty profiles was and still is such an amazing and genius creation! Looking back, I see my old self and memories through quotes and familiar usernames; I didn’t realize how unique a community witty profiles was and I think I definitely took it for granted. But anyway, my main point was I had to come on here and apologize or else I would stay cringing for hours, haha. I really hope you’re having a great life! I hope to see a new creation of yours grow viral again someday!
Hey, I'm just curious, because witty profiles has kind of you know died down and not as many ppl use it, what else do you do? Do you still upgrade it or just go with the flow? Plus, is there a reason why not as many users use it anymore or is it just like, time I guess?
Witty was always a side project / hobby for me. I've always had a regular job. I keep an eye on Witty and make sure there are no major bugs and fix things that come up. I started Witty in April 2003. That was before MySpace, Facebook, mobile phones, texting, tumblr, etc. Witty has largely been replaced by those things and the need for "away from keyboard" messages no longer exists. Witty was a pre-mobile site and started to die out when everyone started to get smartphones. I stupidly never finished the Witty iOS app in 2009 because I was too busy traveling the world and getting married. Oh well. :(