
Status: I don't usually say this, but I love you.
Joined: January 14, 2013
Last Seen: 2 months
user id: 346320
Gender: F


Sports, Homework, Boys, Books, Wittyprofiles, Youtube, Twitter, Singing,
 Helping, School, Writing Stories, Wattpad, Photography, Boys, Teenage Stories,
Food, Cakes, Laptop, Video Games, Zelda, Mario, Music, Piano, Sleeping

[ - ]
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Petitions, Hate, Violence, Losing, Bad-Results,
Girls, Fools, Sickness, Cancer, Being Fat, Friends. People, Listening, Teachers


*Freedom*'s Favorite Quotes

to all my friends who I went away from

I just want to say I still love all of you, every single day. and I miss you. Im so sorry to anyone that i ever hurt, things that ive done and said over the years, i have alot of work to do and alot of things to unlearn myself but i will always want the very very very best for you all and even though we arent in eachother’s lives anymore, you’re always in my heart and I think about you every day.

please always be good to yourselves and take care of yourselves

I love you

Its insane to me that after 6 years of not being on this site, nomuch has changed at all. This site helped me through somhard times, as a place I could comwithout being judgedI truly hope that safe, comforting feeling still applies to the current daily users. You guys got this. <3
This quote does not exist.


i hurt too. hold my hand.

I feel like Sidney Prescott circa Scream 3,
because I live in the middle of nowhere, too
afraid to leave my house (okay, so she might
have better reasons. serial killers are always
after her, I have crippling anxiety, whatever.),
and I spend literally all my time alone/with
my furbaby (dog.)
"I was my missing piece for so long.
I complete me. I deserve me. I am worthy."
   you lost
Do you think of me? Does your heart race when you think of my skin, my eyes, my mouth, my smile?

Because mine does when I think of you.

Stolen Heart
Chapter 11
''Hiding something from me, 'bestie.'' Kelsie uttered, emphasizing on the last word, dropping her bag to the floor and pressing her palms against her hips. The sudden frown that spread across Rein's face bemused her. Why would Rein be frowning if the situation was describing itself?

''I really don't know what you're talking about and to be honest,'' Rein closed her locker with a chuckle, ''I don't care right now.''

''You both are dating?'' Kelsie said  in disbelief. Even saying it seemed wrong and with that, the jaws that fell to the ground around them was unbelievable. Why would the popular Craig go for such a low nerdy girl? It was unreal for the hidden Matthew, standing behind the argument and trying to keep a safe distance from the girls. Seeing Kelsie's wrath wasn't new however, the fury that could be read all over her face was surprising to everyone, even Rein herself. Rein's tried to calm herself down, but the light shade of pink that formed itself unto her cheeks was showing how embarrassed she was feeling at this present moment in front of Craig. Obviously for the last couple days she had this small feeling for Craig, but dating still seemed wrong.

Rein parted her lips to answer, but the arm that flew across her shoulder made her voice stop. She looked up, but his gaze was still  focused on Kelsie's who was staring at this situation with a scowl, ''Yes, we are.''

''What?!'' They all said simutaneously and Rein brushed his arm off, pushing him back before turning her face back towards Kelsie who was now grabbing her purse from the ground.

''I can't believe you'd do this to me, you're such a b.itch.'' Kelsie whispered to her, but the tears that were trying to escape was noticeable. She shook her head and turned around, only making Rein feel worthless and pathetic for what she had done. Not to mention, she had done nothing wrong. However, when her best friend was abroad of tears for some reason, it was obvious something she did wasn't right.  Before she knew it, herself was walking the other direction with tears scrolling down her cheeks. When she felt Craig's palm press itself against her shoulder, she slapped it away and ran as fast as she could out some large doors and into the fresh air. 

Why is Craig keeping on lying this way?
Which one will Matthew choose though, he's between his two best friends?
And plus, did Rein do anything wrong?

Answer your thoughts to these questions in the comment section BELOW.
English Love
Chapter 2

With a smirk, he advanced towards the door and opened it, making both the girls stop and gasp. If they wanted to make fun of his name, he could play at this game as well.

"I suppose both of you are late?"

Emma nor Levi could believe their eyes. This human being was nothing alike with Voldemort,
he was complete gorgeous, just fabulous. The way his eyes ringed the turquoise and his black jet dark hair spiked all around his scalp. His jaw could slice through an onion and the way his face was structured was ravishing. 

Levi nudged Emma, making her clear her throat. "Y-Yes sir. We sure are." She tried to let out a breathy laugh but her trial failed when she only saw his poker face raise an eyebrow. 

He nodded his heard, clearing his throat himself, "Well I suppose you can head to the girl's bathroom with me so we can open the chamber of secrets, or would that be too...familar, I should say?"

Levi's eyes widened in suprise, understanding that he had heard everything. Emma jerked her head towards Levi who seemed be struggling to breath. Everything was going awful for the first day, and now they were on bad terms with probably the hottest teacher. "Well, are you going to answer me?"

"My apologies Professor...Chambers." Emma let out, looking down at her shoes.

"That wasn't right. Maybe I should make you write an apology letter at the detention you have tonight in this room." 

"What we don't have de-" Emma nudged Levi and she moaned in unplesureness, rolling her eyes.

"Yes sir."

"Now take your seats before the Basilics catches you." He turned away from the door and as they saw his back, Emma turned her head to Levi with widdened eyes. They were both in shock and still surprise this happen that Levi was sending her wide eyes as well. What had they done? They shouldn't have made fun of him right in front of his door. "And stop making faces to each other." 

They squirmed, "Yes sir." 


Comment what you think
I don't check grammar so sorry