In Love With You Chapter 3 Emerson was sitting across the table
from Jeremiah. She tried to convince him she wanted to stay home,
but to no avail. He picked her up around 7 and they went to get
something to eat. "That is totally my luck, ya know? I think the
universe has it out for me." "Oh come on, Emerson. He is a jerk.
Why do you let him get so under your skin!" As much as Emerson
wanted to go off about how he didnt understand , she knew better.
Jerrmiah was with her through all of it. The tears..the
venting...and especially the anger. She gave him a half hearted
smile and tried to figure out why he didnt just give up. Stevens
POV Steven looked across the street and seen his sister, Georgianna
waiting for him on the park bench. "Hey G!" Georgianna smiled. He
had decided long ago that her name was to long and decided "G" was
an appropriate nickname. "Hey hon. You look like death what
happened?" "You will never even guess who came in for an interveiw
today." "Ummm mom?" She started to laugh but was stopped by the
grim look on his face. "Emerson." She stated matter-of-factly. "How
did you know?" "She was the only person that ever made you react so
strongly." "Maybe this is my second chance. I need to find her." "
Whoh now. Wait a second. You put that girl through SO much. You've
lied and left and she has been living her own life now." "But, G,
maybe she'll forgive me." Georgianna took her brothers face in her
hands. "Steven," she began. "You lied about the baby..." (OKAY