"Everyone has an
A guardian who watches over us. We can't know what form
they'll take. One day, old man. Next day, little girl. But
dont let appereances fool you. They can be as fierce as any
dragon. Yet they're not here to fight our battles but to
whisper from our heart reminding us that it's us. It's
every one of us who holds the power to the worlds they
We can deny our angels exist, convince ourselves they can't
be real. But they show up anyways. At strange places. And at
strange times. They can speak through any character we can
imagine. They'll even shout through demons if they have to,
daring us, challenging us to fight.
And finally this question: The mystery of who's story it
will be. Of who draws the curtain. Who is it that chooses our
steps in the dance? Who drives us mad, lashes us, whips us and
crowns us with victory when we survive the
impossible? Who is it that does all these things? Who honours
those we love with the very life we live? Who sends monsters to
kill us and at the same time sings we will never die?
Who teaches us what's real and how to laugh at lies? Who
decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who
chains us? And who holds the key that can set us free?
It's you.
You have all the weapons you need.
Now fight."
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***H A P P
U L Y !!!!***
Ok, so it looks like there's been a few problems between me and
my two best friends lately.
(pirahanasmiles21 and jjtdancer)
Time to fix that
Dear pirahanasmiles21,
Believe it or not, I do know your problems. And
I try my best to help when you ask for it. Im really sorry if it
makes it seem like i dont care about you. I really do. I only say
its ok for you to run because i would rather know ur happy
somewhere else than have to see you miserable here. And as
for talking about her. I only do tht cuz of the fact tht i know
you can trust me and care about me(and thanks for showing it)
but i talk about her in hopes that she will give me a bit
more attention and care than she does(ps, u know the
competition:P) Im sorry if I came across as uncaring, cuz i
really do.
Dear jjtdancer,
I dont really know what
to say. All this time, I really thought you were over
him. Apparently i was wrong. I luv u, and I really
thank you for hiding it, but i guess after my failed
attempts to impress him, its not worth chasing him. Go ahead.
Take him. You have a better shot with him first of all,
second, I dont deserve him after how ignorant i was. But
please, next time that happens, just tell me!
And to all the people reading this that have no clue what
im talking about, please look at both their quotes, and hopefully
you can find the one that matches.
I love you both, pirahanasmiles and jjtdancer, i just needed to
clear things up
=^.^= JordynKitty25=^.^=