
Status: I want my hair back </3
Joined: January 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 16
user id: 259482
Location: Worst Place Ever, United States.
Gender: F

Quotes by JossiieeRae

As bad as it was, as bad as it hurt,
I'm just glad I didn't get
what I thought I deserved...
Is it wierd that once I found out the pads I use changed their wrapper I got really happy, but then a minute later I got upset and cried because it changed and made me think of how everyone is changing and getting older and I just want to be 5 years old agian. Periods suck. Emotions suck. Being a girl sucks. OK.
I shouldn't be crying,
tears are for the weak.
Whatever it is, it feels like
it's laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror
Whatever it is, it's just laughing at me
and I just wanna scream
What now? 
You gotta breathe;
We'll be ok
She wants to go home, but nobodys home.
It's where she lies broken inside.

I just want you to think I'm perfect
The song Don't Let Me Get Me by Pink is my life story. 
 So it seems like
everytime I'm home alone I don't have any feelings. I just don't know what to do. Sometimes I get mad, sad, lonely, and tired. Sometimes all at the same time. I don't know who I am or even who I want to be. 

    So please don't leave me.
My problem,
I never was a model,
I never was a scholar,
but you were always
