You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you’ll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.
hi bro
yes i should omg bc lana is so bae
also i'm ellie idk if i ever introduced myself??
[deleted]9 years ago
hi again
same lana is so baeee i listen to her like 24/7. i literally can't choose a fav song tho it's like every song is too unique and each one fits for a different mood. if that makes sense??
i literally can't wait for honeymoon like pls
You're so welcome!
Aw thank you so much. That means a lot!
That's quite alright, I never mind late replies!
Well, I just got dressed, so that's what's up for me right now! xD
How about youuu?
Sorry that I have to break the news...
but Gemma/witney is fake. v__v
She's using a common photo that is on the internet.
I'm not trying to invade but she's leading you on..
If you can't trust them about their looks how can you trust the stories they tell you?
I'm just trying to let people know that shes talking to,
so that they don't get hoaxed by this painted image of her.
Plus I cant stand 'Catfishes' they hurt people by lying and being a misconducted idea
of who they really are.
yes i should omg bc lana is so bae
also i'm ellie idk if i ever introduced myself??
same lana is so baeee i listen to her like 24/7. i literally can't choose a fav song tho it's like every song is too unique and each one fits for a different mood. if that makes sense??
i literally can't wait for honeymoon like pls
That's really cute lmao.
Aw thank you so much. That means a lot!
That's quite alright, I never mind late replies!
Well, I just got dressed, so that's what's up for me right now! xD
How about youuu?
I'm not able to open my chat :(
So we'll text here? :)
I love your profile picture by the way, it's really nice!
but Gemma/witney is fake. v__v
She's using a common photo that is on the internet.
I'm not trying to invade but she's leading you on..
If you can't trust them about their looks how can you trust the stories they tell you?
I'm just trying to let people know that shes talking to,
so that they don't get hoaxed by this painted image of her.
Plus I cant stand 'Catfishes' they hurt people by lying and being a misconducted idea
of who they really are.