
Status: Happily married. ❤️
Joined: August 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 year
Birthday: December 23
user id: 202784
Location: New Hampshire
Gender: F
❤️ Katie | 29 | Mama | Wife | NH ❤️

It's been SOOO long since I've been on here, I'm going to try and get back into this because this is memories.. the friendships that I built throughout the past years, I miss them! Hope you all are doing well and I'd love to make more friendships. ❤️ 

Let's chat. I have Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc

Quotes by KaTi3Gx3

It broke my heart to see this young girl have scars on her arms from cutting,
because it made me think of my past with cutting over my ex boyfriend.
Please don't cut, it's not worth the pain to go through.

I'll never forget that night when you messaged me on Aim (AOL INSTANT MESSAGING) to tell me how beautiful i looked.

I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just wanna take your time.
even when the nutrisystem scale says your obese, not like i didn't already feel that way to begin with.

  Don't wait for the 
                        perfect moment,
                                    TAKE  THE  MOMENT  AND   
          make it    perfect. 

Happy national cat day 😻😻😻
if I could own every cat in this world, I'd be considered a crazy cat lady that's dying alone with 100+

My love for cats will remain forever. ❤️
One of the hardest things to do in life, 
is letting go of what you thought was real.
When my mom got pregnant with me at the age of 19, she wanted to
work it out with my father. When I was born, he looked at the doctors and 
told them to shove me back up because I wasn't a boy like he wanted. 
He kept cheating on my mom, so she began to raise me on her own. At 
the age of 5 months old, he stopped coming around and went on with 
being 19 instead of taking responsibilities and taking care of what he 
created too. Thankfully, my mom was able to have help from my 
fathers mother and his sister while he went and played around with 
every hoe that could walk.
My mom then got pregnant with my sister at the age of 21 and he
practically did the same thing he did with me, he didn't want the 
responsibility of being a father at a young age. My mom was young,
so she had my grandmother take us for a while until she couldn't 
afford to keep us anymore, so she called my father and told him that
she can't afford to have us anymore and his exact words were, 
"Well if I take them then they are going into a foster home." Well 
my mom took us back, because she wasn't allowing that. 
Ever since then, we've lived with my mother and she took care
of us for the 18 years of our life till we moved out. Not once did
our father ever think about seeing us or anything. Every weekend
we used to go to my aunts house and at the time he was living there too; 
he would come home just in time for us to go to bed and the moment 
we woke up in the morning, he'd get up and leave. He wouldn't ever 
spend time with us or tell us that he loves us, nothing.
So we grew up without having that "father figure" in our life, we grew
up thinking we did something for our father not wanting to be apart
of our life, as if we were a mistake. We grew up not having that 
"father/daughter" bond that 50% of your friends have. It was hard
for me to accept men in my life because of him, because of how I was treated
by him; as if I was a mistake. I'll never understand how a parent 
can treat a child like he did to me and here I am 22 years old and still 
wondering what I did....
Every time I see him at family outings, it's as if he's a stranger. It's 
awkward for me because he still doesn't say hi, how you been, nothing. It's
still the same as its been for me when I was born. It'll never change and
here I am - still wishing I had that father/daughter bond. I never thought I'd have to 
face this in my life, stress about who I'm going to have walk me down
the isle on my wedding day, for my children to not know who their 
grandpa is, nothing. 
I just wasn't prepared to deal with this. :( 

Everyone has gone through something at least once in their life where they 
regret the choice they made, rather it was once or repeatedly until they realized
that they could do better.
Each and every one of you are beautiful inside and out.
Never let someone tell you otherwise. 
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