Hello my lovely follower! I want to thank you all for all of the followers I gained throughout writing Finding My Way, and I wanted to let you all know that I posted an introduction to a new story I want to start. I really like it, and I'm hoping you all do too; feel free to check it out!! Sorry for spamming (:
I will never forget that one sentence up there, like every time someone sings the birthday song thingy, I think of that. Does any one else do that? :o
I had my pink mufti-day for breast cancer today, I honestly don't know how all you Americans (and anybody else who gets to wear whatever the f/ck that'd like to school) do it. I was struggling to find an outfit to wear just for one day!
A new chapter is up, I have exams in three weeks... EW! So, I don't know if the next chapter is going to be the last chapter for three weeks or if I'm going to continue. I'm yet to decide, because I really should be studding :/
Anyways, I love you && have a great night/day!
Xx Mariiaa
Hello lovely! <3
Guess what?!
*nobody answers and everybody looks around awkwardly*
Ok. :c
I was going to tell you I put a new chapter up but you probably already realised that when you like, saw my username.
Things aren't awkward unless you make them [[I worked out]] and I make everything awkward. Even if its not awkward, I'll be like 'Awkward' and then it'll turn awkward.
I won't be uploading until Thursday, I wrote it in the authors note at the bottom of chapter but most of you probably don't even read that, or this. Imagine if I was just typing to myself & like nobody read it...
I pretended to be one of my friends today, does any one else do that? We had a substitute for Maths though I think she already knew who we were ^.^ But for Science, even though the teacher was our normal teacher she played along with it.
...I want a BOYFRIEND.
I feel like I'm forever alone... what if all of Witty gets boyfriends/girlfriends and I'm the only single one with my 69 cats?!
I'm going to name my cats now, Mallory, Jade, Flower, Gromitt, White, Gray, Black, Blue, Pink, Purple, Lilac, Brown. 12 DOWN, 50 SOMETHING LEFT!
Hii (:
So, I thought I'd help you guys, k? So... what do you guys have fears of? Any of these?
Androphobia- Fear of men
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single
Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women
Genophobia- Fear of
Gynephobia - Fear of women
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666
Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection
Medorthophobia- Fear of an erect
Soceraphobia- Fear of parents-in-law
If you do... this is a w k w a r d.
Hm... I think my favourite is hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia or medomalacuphobia...
Random number. I dunno, maybe it means something...?
So, I uploaded! Woo Hoo! I also started school :( This term there is only 8 weeks, that's a good thing.
Ok, byeee!
I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.
I don't think I can really say that because, well by dad owns a seafood shop ^.^
Anyways, I uploaded two chapters today! Yah! I really, really enjoyed writing chapter 7 (: So, make sure you comment and whatever.
That song reminds me when I was in like year 5 and we were singing that song as a performance in music and one of my friends sang the ' ON THE BEACH' bit. Yeah... the teacher got the sh/ts and we didn't win :(
Hmm... what are some good songs? Like... I need more for my phone and can't decide... any suggestions?
It's really really hot today and tomorrow, I'm going down the coast where I have a beach house! Yahh! That means no uploading, so I'm not going to be uploading until Monday when I go back to school.
So, chapter 5 is up (: It's boring but the next chapters to come are going to start getting interesting. Andi is going to America after all c;
I need your help, I want to find an actress or something. It can be a singer, actress, model or just some random... it can even be you to play Jesses girl. Hehhehee, that's a song. Anywayss, you know like the girl Jesse has been seen with? Yeah her.
Thankyou all so much for all the support, I've got over 1700 followers thanks to you and am getting 300 faves on my chapters. That means heaps to me *hugs through internet*
Suppidy dup!
...that sounded WAY cooler in my head and now that I'm reading it again, it sounds weird but I'll keep it there anyway.
So, I uploaded chapter four of I Met Him On Omegle, make sure you commmennnttt (:
Hm... what to say, what to say. Well, I met this guy on Witty ;) Me and a couple of friends went on Skype with him. He had a really, really, really hot friend and they were American but the original guy was a d/ck.
What a boring story.
I'd be a horrible story teller.
In my primary school, we used to do this thing called 'Circle Time.' The teacher would ask a question and we all had to answer it when we held the ball which was past around. The question was usually something deep.
Question: *enter dramatic question here*
Me: *Answers dramatically* ((hands ball to you))
You: *Answer with some inspirational quote*
Hello. It's lovewritingx. I made a new profile to put my stories on. I actually emailed Steve about what happened and he told me that the situation seems settled and that I could make a new account... so... here I am. I'm hoping to be able to start over new. I don't want to talk about what happened anymore because, as far as I can see it, it's over. Soo, I'm going through the followers list for lovewritingx and notifying all the followers that this is my new account. Feel free to follow if you'd like, but you don't need to. "My Mistake" will be posted soon after I notify alll the followers which may take a while so you'll need to be patient if you're looking forward to that. Alright, thanks for your time. ~elizabeth
Hello my lovely follower! I started a new story this morning and was hoping you'd check it out? It's kind of slow right now but I have some great ideas, thanks (:
I will never forget that one sentence up there, like every time someone sings the birthday song thingy, I think of that. Does any one else do that? :o
I had my pink mufti-day for breast cancer today, I honestly don't know how all you Americans (and anybody else who gets to wear whatever the f/ck that'd like to school) do it. I was struggling to find an outfit to wear just for one day!
A new chapter is up, I have exams in three weeks... EW! So, I don't know if the next chapter is going to be the last chapter for three weeks or if I'm going to continue. I'm yet to decide, because I really should be studding :/
Anyways, I love you && have a great night/day!
Xx Mariiaa
Guess what?!
*nobody answers and everybody looks around awkwardly*
Ok. :c
I was going to tell you I put a new chapter up but you probably already realised that when you like, saw my username.
Things aren't awkward unless you make them [[I worked out]] and I make everything awkward. Even if its not awkward, I'll be like 'Awkward' and then it'll turn awkward.
I won't be uploading until Thursday, I wrote it in the authors note at the bottom of chapter but most of you probably don't even read that, or this. Imagine if I was just typing to myself & like nobody read it...
I pretended to be one of my friends today, does any one else do that? We had a substitute for Maths though I think she already knew who we were ^.^ But for Science, even though the teacher was our normal teacher she played along with it.
...I want a BOYFRIEND.
I feel like I'm forever alone... what if all of Witty gets boyfriends/girlfriends and I'm the only single one with my 69 cats?!
I'm going to name my cats now, Mallory, Jade, Flower, Gromitt, White, Gray, Black, Blue, Pink, Purple, Lilac, Brown. 12 DOWN, 50 SOMETHING LEFT!
So, I thought I'd help you guys, k? So... what do you guys have fears of? Any of these?
Androphobia- Fear of men
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single
Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women
Genophobia- Fear of
Gynephobia - Fear of women
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666
Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection
Medorthophobia- Fear of an erect
Soceraphobia- Fear of parents-in-law
If you do... this is a w k w a r d.
Hm... I think my favourite is hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia or medomalacuphobia...
Random number. I dunno, maybe it means something...?
So, I uploaded! Woo Hoo! I also started school :( This term there is only 8 weeks, that's a good thing.
Ok, byeee!
I don't think I can really say that because, well by dad owns a seafood shop ^.^
Anyways, I uploaded two chapters today! Yah! I really, really enjoyed writing chapter 7 (: So, make sure you comment and whatever.
That song reminds me when I was in like year 5 and we were singing that song as a performance in music and one of my friends sang the ' ON THE BEACH' bit. Yeah... the teacher got the sh/ts and we didn't win :(
Hmm... what are some good songs? Like... I need more for my phone and can't decide... any suggestions?
It's really really hot today and tomorrow, I'm going down the coast where I have a beach house! Yahh! That means no uploading, so I'm not going to be uploading until Monday when I go back to school.
So, chapter 5 is up (: It's boring but the next chapters to come are going to start getting interesting. Andi is going to America after all c;
I need your help, I want to find an actress or something. It can be a singer, actress, model or just some random... it can even be you to play Jesses girl. Hehhehee, that's a song. Anywayss, you know like the girl Jesse has been seen with? Yeah her.
Thankyou all so much for all the support, I've got over 1700 followers thanks to you and am getting 300 faves on my chapters. That means heaps to me *hugs through internet*
...that sounded WAY cooler in my head and now that I'm reading it again, it sounds weird but I'll keep it there anyway.
So, I uploaded chapter four of I Met Him On Omegle, make sure you commmennnttt (:
Hm... what to say, what to say. Well, I met this guy on Witty ;) Me and a couple of friends went on Skype with him. He had a really, really, really hot friend and they were American but the original guy was a d/ck.
What a boring story.
I'd be a horrible story teller.
In my primary school, we used to do this thing called 'Circle Time.' The teacher would ask a question and we all had to answer it when we held the ball which was past around. The question was usually something deep.
Question: *enter dramatic question here*
Me: *Answers dramatically* ((hands ball to you))
You: *Answer with some inspirational quote*
And this is craaaay craaay
but here's my profile, (http://www.wittyprofiles.com/author/Reader_Aubrey)
read my story maybe? c: