You honestly will never understand how much i really hate you.
But more than that, i hate what you did to me. You did exactly
what you promised you never would, and then tried to ignore
everything, like i would just disappear as if i never existed.
Well that isn't how the world works. I trusted you, and i
opened up to you. You promised me you wouldn't do what all of
the other guys did. And i believed you, which was really stupid
of me. I just cant believe i was so stupid. But it doesn't
effect you. It never effects the person hurting you. People will
say to "just get over it," but it isn't always that
easy. The hurt and betrayal will always be there in the back of
your mind, and the next time someone asks you to open up to them,
you will have that pain just sitting there reminding you, and it
will make it so much harder to get close to people anymore. So i
want to thank you, for not only shredding every last ounce of
trust i had in people, but for damaging me and making me feel
useless, stupid, and like this is just going to be happening to
me over and over again. Like this is my life for me, i'm just
going to have to get used to this kind of stuff. So thank you,
for being such a jackass. It really made my life so much better.