1. A Song you can listen to on
2. A Song from one of your fave
3. A Song from your
4. A
Song that makes you feel strong.
5. A Song
that makes you sad.
Song that cheers you up.
7. A
Song that reminds you of your
8. A
Song that reminds you of an ex or
9. A
Song that reminds you of you.
10. A
Song that brings back bad memories.
11. A Song
that brings back good memories.
12. A
Song that grew on you.
13. A
Song from a musical
14. A Song
with a great music video.
15. A Song that's better as a cover
16. A Song that's better acoustic.
17. A Song with great lyrics.
18. A Song for the Summer.
19. A Song for heartache.
20. A song for car rides.
21. A Song for the rain.
22. A Song for dancing.
23. A Song for making out.
24. A Song for a lover.
25. A Song from before you were born.
26. A Song from a band that broke up.
27. A Song you've seen live.
28. A Song you want to see live.
29. A Song by a band you don't usually like.
30. A Song you recommend.
Day 14: A Song with a
great music video:
Excuse me, I'm abou to go full emo. Without a doubt, My
Chemical Romance's I'm Not Okay (I
Promise) video. I just love how it's
the 80s teen movie every emo deserved. Like the scene where
Gerard's just standing on the diving board while everyone
else is swimming or when Frank scares a girl by jumping out
of a locker #toorelatable. Also, the scene where they're
playing croquet gives me major Heathers vibes, which is never
a bad thing. This video also responsible for getting me more
into MCR. Everytime I see it in my recommened videos I
can't help but click on it. A great video for a great