Im kelsee.! I am currently Taken (: I have two sisters Dawn 19; and Taylor 11.I have a pretty crazy life but that is okay. It has made me who i am today. I am a country girl all the way down to the core. I love muddin, huntin, and fishin. ! I am really nice person once you get to know me, after we start tlkn i will have you fallin in love (: Any ?'s, just ask ! !
check out my quotes?(:
btw, you're truly beautifullll(:
Love ya (:
P.S How bout lunch today.? At 11
you favourited this quote, from a girl who has jocked mine.
would it be possible if you could unfave the jocked one? it doesn't even matter if you don't fave mine, but for you to unfave the jocker's quote would mean a lot to me, and it would also hopefully stop her jocking in future as she would realise she isn't getting the attention.
thank you so much for reading and taking this into account
sarah :) xx