this is so important please read... listen to me. no fr just
listen. put aside all your hate and get rid of the tension. you
dont like someone because they're differet than you? because they
grew up different and talk different, they look different than you?
they dont have the same clothes as you, maybe they dont even speak
the same language as what? Ya. okay so we're all
different. this world is so beautiful because of the diversity in
it..honestly i love it. i hope we never get rid of it. i pray we
can all learn to love each other. i pray all those you hate, one
day you'll call brother. i wish things were just perfect. i wish
kids like us didnt die..our generation its like all we do is cry.
how many of your friends have committed suicide? how many times
have YOU tried? how many times have you laid awake at night, tear
stains on your pillow as you quietly cried? ya i know, because ive
been there too, im right there with you..all we can really do is
get through..its hard. you cant see the light and its like the
whole 🌎 is just dark like when will we stop? stop
putting each other down..maybe create someones smile today instead
of making them frown. maybe tell someone you love them twice
instead of just once..maybe give an extra hug...maybe spend that
extra minute with the ones you love..just slow down..its not big
things...its really just the little things that can make the big
difference. create love today, lets make everyone shine...with all
this darkness, i know, you really gotta grind. ya Its not easy to
be the only feel all alone tryna shine bright like the
sun when all they wanna do is put you down..but just try it...i
swear we can make a difference...all we have to do is apply it. Its
so simple really...we have to live it..going back to the golden
rule..we cant give in. Be different, lets just be ourselves...and
except each other for it..we should respect each other for it..ill
stand beside my enemy because I have to admit it...i wanna leave
this world better than before i was in it. 💓🌎💓