the witty community is very special to me, especially in its current state. If u ever need anyone to talk to about absolutely ANYTHING, feel free to drop me a comment. I dont have problems w any1. all good vibes and love here.
other than that, enjoy the collection of quotes and nostalgia.
I always say I live in a small town, and it's somewhat true - how many people really have ever heard of Slidell, Louisiana? - but it's spread out enough and has so many people in it that not everybody knows everybody and it's not likely that you'll run into somebody you know everywhere you go. So I've never felt suffocated here, I feel like I could stay here. It's fairly peaceful, nothing major happens. But I don't exactly WANT to stay here. I have a whole lot of places I want to at least visit, like Tulsa Oklahoma; my sister wants to go with me because her favorite book series takes place there, but I want to because it's where The Outsiders takes place - I need to visit the Curtis house!
I love cheesecake and I love brownies (anything chocolate actually), so I would definitely be about that! I saw a s'mores-brownie recipe that I want to try soon. I'm a sucker for any and all things sweet. (:
Somebody in my extended family is getting married soon and I've been tasked with the job of baking and decorating the cupcakes for the bridal shower, of course I'll have to take pictures of the icing flowers and brag about my handiwork. I'm gonna have my aunt's assistance so I know it won't be a disaster, ha.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is on my to-read list (along with Hocus Pocus - my very top priority - Tarzan of the Apes, Peter and Wendy, The Bell Jar, Gone with the Wind and The Handmaid's Tale)! I'm trying to be more adventurous with my reading because I'm always inclined to go back to my favorite novels/series too frequently. 😅
I like that idea, I'm a sentimental person too. In my bedroom, for all of my childhood, I've had the antique furniture set (a writing desk with its matching chair, a dresser, and the headboard for a bed) that belonged to my mom when she was a kid, with a painted yellow flower curved around each side of each drawer handle. It might've belonged to her mom too, I'm not sure. I want to renovate my room - I've become acutely aware of how mismatched most of my things are - so as soon as I can I'm buying new furniture and up into the attic these are going! But it is nice to know they were as much a part of my mom's childhood as they were mine.
I'm the type of person where I don't wear dresses unless I have to, and then when I do wear them, I feel so flowy and fun!
Aaaaah, thank you so much for saying that. I always get all flustered when someone tells me I'm going to make a good teacher, it's a huge compliment for me.
YES THAT WAS THE DRESS! I felt like a real live princess in that long flowy white gown! I remember when I was in middle school and I saw the music video for You Belong With Me for the first time, and that's when I decided that no matter what, I was going to have a long flowy white dress for my senior prom. I have the Speak Now dress from tour, the short little purple one! I wore it for my dad's wedding in St Lucia last November! (Thought it was fitting for a wedding) Orange sounds dope! I bet you pulled it off well! :)
There's actually a website where you can go to purchase celebrity replica dresses for cheap prices, so that's where I got my dresses, you should check it out if you want: https://www.thecelebritydresses.com/catalogsearch/result/index/?p=1&q=taylor+swift
I AGREE HEAVILY! Like, the white gown she wore when she met Prince William and sang with Bon Jovi, iconic! :)
(Also, I got a replica of that dress for my senior prom hehe)
That sounds like what's gonna happen with my sister when she goes off to college. She's looking at going to Alabama, because our grandparents have a beach house there and she spends her summers relaxing on the beach, she loves it. One of our cousins also happens to live there and has kindly offered to let my sister live with her for the four years, cause my sister doesn't want to stay on campus. She'll probably end up moving there permanently, she's expressed a desire to get out of our home state for a while and she already knows she feels at home in Alabama.
You should read See Me, I haven't but my sister says it's angsty. And I personally recommend The Last Song, there's a nice amount of drama and heartache in it to keep it from being too romantic, and familial love is also a strong theme of it. It's my favorite book of his so far.
Yes! I bake pretty often for my coworkers, not because I have to but just because I think it's a nice surprise. Everybody likes to eat, and almost everyone likes desserts, so why not? Now I usually get asked by people to make something, because they're used to me spoiling them with various baked goods lol. I make some mean brownies, thick and as big as your hand with chocolate chips in them. So I keep doing it because it makes them happy. A few times I've made three or four different things to give out (it's nice to give people options), I was on my feet in my kitchen for 3+ hours the night before, well after everyone else in the house went to bed!
The best creations our world has known always start out as a dream, you know. I believe you'll get published, and you may become as big as J.K. Rowling. Just look at where she started out, and where she is now!
It would be nice to be a jack of all trades, I saw this quote that was like, ''Specialization is for insects, not humans''. We have infinite potential.
I finished Coraline! It was 10/10! Somebody who reviewed it said it was a lot different from the movie, I didn't think so. There were a few differences obviously (no Wybie!) but nothing that made it unrecognizable.
OH YES GIRL I WATCHED IT LIVE. IT WAS STELLAR. Ah yes, the disco ball dress. I totally think she's had better looks but that's just me. xD
I can't believe the freaking SNAKE came out at the end, we stan!
He's been in my life for five years, and one of my best friends for three of those years, so I'm like totally in love with him!
Taylor Swift obviously thought they deserved a better ending though and wrote a song to prove it!
Yeah, I used to read a lot when I was younger, but not so much anymore! I don't have the time! I read Harry Potter, fantasy type stuff, chick lits, all that stuff! I want to get back into reading though, so I might buy some books for myself for Christmas. The last book I read was The Virgin Suicides, over the summer, and it was so fascinating, I fell in love. :)
What about you, love?
Yeah I like some pop music, feel like it depends on who though. Like Maroon 5 for example, amazing.
I would like to visit some northern states, farthest north I've ever been is Tennessee and it was gorgeous, the mountains in the fall. It's my mom's dream to move there and live in a log cabin. I guess my family's gonna eventually be pretty spread out, haha. The woods of Arkansas are also really nice from what I've seen, but a few too many creepy crawlies for my liking...
No, I haven't read that, but I've heard of it. Do you ever read Nicholas Sparks? Romance novels aren't my favorite, but his are bittersweet, with drama and tragedy always mixed in. Coraline is such an enticing and fanciful movie! I love Henry Selick/Tim Burton movies, how they use stop motion animation (James and the Giant Peach is my first favorite). I imagine I'm really going to enjoy the book too.
Omg I'd love to work at a bakery. My grandma was a baker, she made things from scratch and was great at cake decorating. It's something I'd like to do too, if not as a full-time career then as a side hobby. It wasn't my grandmother's career, just something she did for people she knew.
When your novel is published tell me the name and where I can buy it! A friend of mine is working on a murder mystery, I'm anticipating the release of that too. It's cool to support your pals' creative endeavors. :-)
Yes, I work with children, have for the last three years. I'm planning on doing one more year and then trying my hand at something else, even though I may go back to childcare later in life... who knows. It is definitely something I do well and feel good about.
Ugh both those songs are so beautiful. That album really knows how to pull on your heartstrings. Oh yeah, same. When Red came out I was all up in Witty, a freshman in high school, yikes!
Haha well thank you. My music taste is all over the place honestly. I really like this Parachute, EDEN, CADE, Panic, The Maine, Fall Out Boy, stuff like that. xD
I like all kinds of music honestly I'm not picky!
Thanks for the recommendations! I'll probably buy Mira Gonzalez's book sometime in the near future. Right now I'm actually going through books at a fast rate, something I haven't done in years. I really enjoy reading, I just don't make time for it much. But in the last month I've read the two Jurassic Park novels and three more by S.E. Hinton (I'm in love with The Outsiders and have been since seventh grade when we read it in English class, so after all these years I finally decided to check out her other works) and I'm planning to read Coraline next, as I love the movie.
Life's going alright, I'm making a lot of hours at work and focusing on nurturing the children I'm around - some of them really need it. How about you? What do you do for work?
YAS GIRL. I approve greatly of your music taste. Reputation was her best tour, hands down. Hearing her sing Fearless in the rain at my show was EVERYTHING.
I saw her on Red, as well as 1989! I had more fun at 1989 though, the mood was a lot more happy, but Reputation is now my favorite time that I have seen her! RED IS MY FAVORITE ALBUM OF HERS TOO. I have a spiritual connection with The Last Time, it really resonates with me because it describes the relationship I had with my first love. :)
What's your favorite song on Red?
Oh my gosh what a pretty name! Sure I'll call you Mars!
I SURE DID GET TO SEE MISS TAY ON THE REPUTATION TOUR. I saw in her in New Jersey back in July, it was amazing. :')
Do you like her too?
*endless hugs for you kind friend*
I love poetry! A big section of my shelf is solely dedicated to my poetry books from various writers. You're right, it's a remarkable and therapeutic way of expression. I wish I was better at writing it, but I love to read it and form those images in my head or feel that resonating in my heart. Nikita Gill, the poet whose video I linked, is a great place to start. She has books out and a Tumblr (meanwhilepoetry). Iain Thomas, Caitlyn Siehl (alonesomes on Tumblr), and Rupi Kaur might also speak to you.