
Joined: March 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 year
Birthday: April 27
user id: 280141
Location: Canada
Gender: F

Quotes by Lil_lamb

If you wouldn't invite them to your birthday party, does it really matter what they think of you?
I think it's so important to cherish a person who listens thoughtfully to everything you have to say
I know that she has a lot of stories

Some she chooses to share and some she keeps hidden away in the depths of her mind

She’s a natural introvert

But there’s more to it than that

Sometimes it seems like she doesn’t want anyone to know her at all
old music makes my soul happy
Because what's the point in being with someone if you aren't completely and profoundly in love?
eventually he became nothing more than a ghost who could only haunt me in my memories
"I won't love anyone like I love you."
Being beautiful is not the most remarkable thing a person can be and I wish I had learned that sooner
hard work without talent is a shame
but talent without hard work is a tragedy
I honestly just want to pack my bags and go travel the world and see and explore everything possible