
Joined: October 17, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 335029
Gender: F

danisnotonfire ∞
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Megan / england / youtubers / bands / went to sitc13
I was the first Dan account on here.

TwitterMain accountDan's youtube

Quotes by Llarmarmy

Physical Tasks
These tasks must be completed to be in the club.
You have 3 chances to do each task

1. do the stepping stones forward once
do the stepping stones backwards once
3. ride or run down the field
4. do a hand-stand
5. write your views on pollution


phil would be tom
dan would be tom
chris would be tom
and pj would be bubblesquash


I dont know why people are scared to tell me thay they're gay I just start shipping them with people


sometimes when I'm angry at someone i spam our facebook chat with stickers


what's the weirdest fanfic you've ever read?


How not to stay cool
1. buy a fan
2. walk around naked
3. put an ice cube down your pants
4. open the windows
5. sleep with no covers on
6. have a cold shower


When you ship two people so hard
It starts to destroy your life 

'OMG why do you idolize gay faggots who make stupid videos on youtube?'
Dan Howell: You are a human with one life; it's up to you to make it the
best life you can.
Phil Lester: Don't worry about what others think about you.
PJ Liguori: You can't make great stuff until you've made good stuff; you
can't make good stuff until you've made alright stuff; you can't make alright stuff until you've made pretty bad stuff.
Chris Kendall: Don't look for advice. The answers are all inside you.
Take each step slowly and carefully. You'll arrive happy.
Dan Howell: Do whatever you have to do to be happy.
Phil Lester: It's a good thing to be strange; normalness leads to
PJ Liguori: If someone calls you weird, look them straight in the eye and
say thank you.
Chris Kendall: Don't go looking for love. Don't chase perfection.
Because if you just be yourself, love will find you.

I'm about as violent and intimidating and a pink butterfly thats stuck on a marshmallow


Its good to be strange..
Normalness leads to sadness

-Phil Lester