
Status: Steve FOLLOWED ME!
Joined: November 29, 2012
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 340370
Location: Texas


 Don't let me go
'cause I'm tired of feelling alone

November 3, 2013 around 4:00

Im a loser bye

Quotes by *_*


It has been a year since i decided to join. I remember when i found this website while i was on stardoll (as silly as it sounds).
I was in the MSW club on stardoll when lollipopx3 (or someone who claimed to be) was writing one of her stories.
I think I had asked her where the whole story was, and she then gave me the link "wittyprofiles.com/author/lollipopx3."
I lookes at the quotes and the pretty formats caught my attention. The quotes were funny, and inspirational, so after a few days i joined. 
I still cannot get over the username I picked, why did I think that would be a good username?? I still can't get over my stupidness. -.-
I'm happy I joined because this is the only website that I never get tired of and I enjoy making quotes and talking to new people.
And I don't think I will be leaving any time soon. I love you my awesome Followers, lovely wittians, and Steve the creator of this website.



Credit: FaveFormats

Can cute guys stop being:

• gay
• younger than me
• 15 years older than me
• 124346789 miles away
• taken
• famous

Sometimes I wonder
                                   If people fave my quotes for the actual quote or the format.

Stay close to anything
      that makes you glad,
you arealive..
Format by Breeze
Let's have a moment of silence for the girls,
who had to deal with their period in Elementary School.
"She straightens her hair, glosses her lips &takes one last look in the mirror,
all for a boy who will never care." -Frank Ocean


Roses are Red

Violets are blue

I need to write a poem

Tomorrow its due
*In P.E.*
Girl 1: What size bra do you wear i wear 34B.
Girl 2: Oh i wear 36B
Girl 3: I think I wear a 34B
Me: *walks faster because I'm an A cup

Yesterday this girl I've been knowing since 6th grade had a pic on instagram that said 'like for a rate' so I liked the pic, and a few minutes later she gave me a 4. Gee thanks for lowering my self esteem even more ._.


I love having shaved legs, but the idea of having shaved arms creeps me out.