Im Veronica. People do not call me Ron and my most hated nickname is Victoria. You can call me Veronica or Vee. Sorry im really particular when it comes to my name.
yeah i used to stalk LOL . hey if we give hate to their fav singer or whatever they wud get mad and send us so many hates and when they give us hate we want to fight back but they are always winning JUST BECUZ THEY R JEALOUS WHATEVER AT THE LAST LOVE ALWAYZ WINS !!! and i hope that day is really close to come ! When we all (FANS) Wud be like "WHO IS LAUGHING NOW" :)
My pleasure :) Hey i saw a quote okay n it was like zayn malik just deleted twitter his not dead so shut up stuff stuff Well 2 be honest if the only get a smallest hurt we all wud cry :/ and twitter is so far ! :(
But i know your not from those fans :)