hello <3 thank you for following me, you're one of my 69 followers. it means a lot to me, thank you very much. <3 xo - littledirectionerdebono i have 71 followers now, but you were one of the 69 people that followed me first.
HAY GURL HAY!! Can you pretty please with whipped cream and unicorns on top read my One Direction fan fiction, One Thing? It would mean a TON, but I'll understand if you can't or won't. Anyways, bye!! :D
Hi! Would you PLEASE come and read my One Direction Fan Fiction, One Thing? It would mean a lot to me because I worked EXTRA hard on it! If you don't, thats fine tho. Thanks Anyways, Bye!
Can you please read my new One Direction Fan Fiction? It would mean a lot because I worked EXTRA hard on it , but if you're busy, I'll understand. Thanks anyways :)
-Brittany xx