Maddi Motionless*

Status: One man's trash, is another man's treasure. Another man's pain, is another man's pleasure<3 -Cute Is What We Aim For.
Joined: October 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: April 11
user id: 226089
Location: Nebraska (:
Gender: F
I'll always be here for you.
You are worth it.
I care about you.
I love you.

Quotes by Maddi Motionless*

I think I saw you in my dreamdarling.
I think I saw you in my sleep, you were stitching up the seams to ever broken promise that your body couldn't keep, I think I saw you in my sleep.
If I let you in, you'd just want out.
If I told you the truth you'd fight for a lie.
If I spilt my guts, it'd make a mess you can't clean up.
If you follow me, you'll only get lost.
If you try to get closer we'll only lose touch.
And I swear, not a single force on Earth could stop the trembling of my
some people say "I hate this town" just to look pop punk.
I don't mind it, I don't mind if you're overrated or if you're staring at the edge of the world.
"Lie to me again." She whispered
"I love you."He said
If you're 555 then I'm 666!
One mans trash is another mans treasure. ask me questions? Leave links below and I'll ask you one too (:
I'm sorry I didn't grow up the way you imagine. I'm sorry I would rather wear black skinny jeans than dresses. I'm sorry that I listen to Motionless In White and not Justin Bieber. Actually, no. I'm not sorry for ANY of that. This is how I want to live and the way I'm going to live.