
Status: be RAWRSOME
Joined: July 27, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 200422
I'm 14, young I know. But, I am just as witty as the rest of you so don't judge. Btw, your all amazing :)

Quotes by MeganColeman

I wanna live in your socks
So I can be with you every step of the way

I wanna get better


If you want something more then
you want to breathe
Then you will be sucessful.

Add your name to this list, but do it with your elbows & you CANT erase!
If you dont do this within 10 minutes you will lose your 1 true love tommorrow repost as YoUr DrUnK NaME! !!...the easiest way is to highlight wat u repost this as and copy it in the subject box

1.​ygaberioep;​[​lop - GABRIEL
2.cxdorteruy?" - COREY
3.Mr.taco himenez-junior
4.sAPZIKZ ykksks - jason
5.lujixs dernhorttgaz-​lus 
6.​dswefd​​ caroline <33
8.​ujjdfjdfuhjdjuh​dskijdfrujikesd​hjny-​ Brianna Mccormack (:
9.fgvbza bddddse-Gabe

11. trflklnmewr- Topher

13. cxhr,zsa - CHRIS XD
14. ssamanbtgha-samantha

15.  allison - am i the only one who can do this?
16. te4shya - Pretty Closeeee. - Tesha(:
17. klzat5r5a- haha far off.  Kara(;

18. iu,luyhj vsdxasm, oplassd- iluvsamoas woooow thats a strange name
19 zsahnjAZerkl.kinmj - shaelin it says zerk in my name ^.^ 
20.alkyhssaz - alyssa haha i was wayyyy off :P 

21.kelwse3y- kelsey hahaha pritty good                                                                       

22. erfkjin j- erin!!  heeey not too badd!! 
23.saaqwsaqsw-haha suppposed to be Sarah 
24. hasnnah- hannah lol not too badd 
25.k4eatlo n- keaton. haha wowww.~ i suckkkk.! haha
26. aBBHY OHH! so close!!
27,melsn iedws-melanie
28.) OSDVC- I was aiming for OSC, close enough? lol =]
29. baIULKEYT-Bailey lol i tried!!
30. annie -annie. wow im good =)


   33. dem il.eded- emilee. lmfaooo
34. madeline         omg i did it!!!! my name is madeline btw
35. pol9gf -- liv
36. aqswhylkoery6u7- Ashley. Woww im bad at thiis.
37.  aqmANSDA- AMANDA lolll

38. cdaswswi9ee- Cassie haha thats pretty Bad...
39. leah-Leah(: haha, I'm goooood... I DID NOT Erase (:

40. mergfsa n  - megan  heck yes!  : )
41. emkijl.hy- Emily :D
42. dsaqmjnkie3lolke3- danielle... aw man just a little off
43kjesswi8cdfa - jessica... that was fun lmao
44. ppaswcalke4 -pascale
45. erinmj - closeee enough(;  erin lmao like erin michael jackson

46. savvfahnhnah - Savannah. hahaha

47. tyrinjjhg -- Trinh. I have a weird name but, oh well.

48. m3gtqahn --- Megan :p

Today is the day

when the darkness will go away.
When tears will fall off your cheeks,
the ones that have showed up there for weeks.
When you will leave behind your best friend,
and that friendship will end.
When everyone will find out,
what your scars were about.
When the pain will end,
and your smile won't be pretend.
When your secrets will die,
but your memories will fly.
Today is the day,
when you will take your life away.

But remember,
your taking away your mother's
and your dad's, sister's, and brother's.
Without you the world would be empty and hollow,
and everyone you knew will feel nothing but sorrow.
Rather someone has been mean to you or kind,
another you they will not find.
We all love you greatly,
even if we haven't showed it latley.
Here on this earth is where you belong,
to live your life that is suppose to be long.
So please, I beg, don't take your life away
just promise us all,

that you'll stay. 

You know your a light sleeper when
the light turns on and you wake up

^   ^


Witty isnt the same anymore
The people who wrote amazing stories and insperational quotes have grown out of it. The highest ampount of faves a top quote gets now is only about 100 when they used to be 100000 and I miss many of the categories. Sayheyily was amazing but she left too. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just saying. I miss the way things used to be. Witty has dropped in popularity :(
Has anyone noticed
that witty is less  popular and not as fun anymore? I mean Top quotes had like 2,345 likes and stuff like that and there were more people on making more quotes. Now  there isnt as much of us and the wittian population is decreasing. Top quotes only get up to 50 likes now... I miss the old witty. :(
He's finnally mine <3