
Joined: May 7, 2012
Last Seen: 1 month
user id: 298033
Hi I'm Elana.
I'm 14 and in 8th grade and live in upstate New York. I LOVE One Direction. I WILL marry Louis William Tomlinson one day. I love him so much. Well anyway my friends are everything to me. They get me through so much. I love all of you guys! I have had my share of rough times trust me... Probably some of the worst imaginable. Well anyway thats a different story. I love music. I am in concert band, marching band, and choras. Music is everything to me. I grew up listening to old music from the 60s. Thats all my dad ever played before he died. I have two older sisters and I live with my mom. Well I dont feel like writing anymore, but if you want to know more get to know me! Follow and Fav<3
~Live fast, have fun and be a bit mischievous~

Quotes by MoreThanThis97

It's like you're screaming, but no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed, that someone could be that important to you and without them you feel lie nothing.

It's hard to feel comfertable in your own skin 
when everyone around you is perfect.

5 years ago today August 7th
11:00 am on a thursday there was a car accident. The car flipped over 7 times. There was a man driving the car who died. He was thrown from the car. 5 years ago today i was told my father died. I love you and miss you dad



Seeing someone really gorgeous and instantly feeling insecure.


One song
A thousand memories

Format by Sandrasaurus

I want to leave and go somewhere far, far away and just forget



I'll just keep acting

Like it doesn't bother me.

If you understood

You wouldn't have said that. Stop pretending you know me and stop talking about me. You don't understand at all.


One day it will come to an end. We will only be left with the memories of the boys who changed our lives. I would like to thank One Direction 

                                             for being the 5 boys who made it al happen at the bottom of a staircase. You truly changed my life. I love you.


That just 

broke me.