AWorldWithoutYouIsLikeASentenceWithNoSpaces. <3
November 13, 2012
Last Seen:
1 decade
user id:
Dancing in the rain in my own little world.
Hi Steve. Question: So, I wanted to make a new Witty. When I did, I tried the username Everlasting. It's the name of my favorite book. But it wouldn't let me use it. So I searched the username, and the person who had it, hasn't been on Witty in over a year, and has 3 or 4 quotes. So I was wondering if you could delete the account, since it's not active, so I can use that username? If you can do anything, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. :)
Dude, I just saw the account someone made. What the hell. That is so- I can't even tell you how angry that makes me. You're strong, and beautiful. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Okay Steve. Can you make it so you can edit a quote? Sometimes after I upload a quote, I notice a mistake, and it seriously irritates me. I know that's what the preview button is for, but sometimes I don't catch it then either. So it would be the best thing in the world if you could make it so we could do that. Thanks. :)
Can I just have a ton of notebooks, and a ton of sharpies for christmas? i love to write. OH. and maybe Ed Sheeran too. Since it would be nice to meet my husband....
Sweetie. I didn't. You just assumed that i assumed it was fake info. But uhm, reality check. this is the internet. You're supposed to question everything.
which is exactly why i questioned your ignorance? i assumed you're an ignorant sort of person, just as you assumed my info was fake. you don't need to tell me that things on the internet are questionable.
Sweetie. I didn't. You just assumed that i assumed it was fake info. But uhm, reality check. this is the internet. You're supposed to question everything.
which is exactly why i questioned your ignorance? i assumed you're an ignorant sort of person, just as you assumed my info was fake. you don't need to tell me that things on the internet are questionable.