
Joined: June 26, 2014
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 383589

Naomi Ord
My name is Naomi  Ord and i hope to laugh with you one day. 


"idea's are bulletproof"
(c) SimpleLayouts

Quotes by NotSoVeryOrdinary

These days, i feel like i've finally gotten closer to understanding the meaning
of this weird, sad feeling
in my cheast; the calm but slightly grey sky that,
instead of bringing me peace- for it's as silent and safe as a sunday morning- disturbs me 
It's the void, a feeling of nothing,
of being completley empty, like im slowly fading away,
each day that passes by. 

To be A True Truthseeker

You Must Doubt As Far As Possible

All Things. 

Give a compliment to the person who comments above you.

Or do something nice like giving them a follow,

inspire, empower and be kind. 


Just because you're p a r a n o i d,

don't mean they're not after you

-Kurt Cobain 

Really contemplate how amazing this world is, 

we have a moon that moves tides and a world that circles a ball of flames

that's inside an infinite universe

but for 8 hours every day
we sit in irrlevant classes
learning irrelvant things
With people we don't like

You could be so much more. 
God please forgive me, 

when i am ungreatful,
for i have so much to be grateful for. 

when i am selfish, 
for i have so much to give. 

when i am hateful,
because i have so much to love.

when i give up,
because i have so much to live for. 

When i am spiteful, 
because i have kindess in my heart to share. 

God, please forgive me when i forget who i am, 
because i know i could be so much better.

I'm fragile and vulnerable 
but i put on a tough act. 

The slightest nasty comment or glance
will torture me,
I'll torture myself.
I'll reply the moment you said that nasty thing,
or picture  you laughing about it.

And sometimes i try to trick myself into
believing i don't care, 
that i am callous, emotionally hardened.
But inside me, a tiny part of me, 
that's in the back of my head.
"When will it end"

If you've ever told yourself
"I want to die"
most of the time people are lying.
The truth is people want to LIVE.
Because doing the same routine every day,
sleeping, attending your duties,eating and working
is boring. It's pathetic, It's meaningless.  The
very fact im writing this when i should be outside, even at night in the coldest weather,
is upsetting.

I want to travel,explore,love, seek, find.
I want to live.
I want to see the world not through a computer screen
or magazine pictures but through my eyes.
I want to create memories and meet new people.
We claim that we "hate people", believe me i am guilty for it too
but in reality we love to laugh and learn, i want to meet different people.
I want to meet people who have similar interest and desires, people who have
a PASSION for life.

I want  to LIVE, Not Survive.
And if you're reading this sentence now, i guess you feel the same.


I like being alone, because i can wonder, i can think, i can be myself, its relaxing.


being lonely is draining, it's such an empty feeling that crushes your cheast, it feels like a heavy weight.

And all you really want is some company, to be apart of something that means something.
You find yourself checking your phone for any sign of communication
A text or a phone call.
And when you reaise that a phone call won't come
you try distract yourself from the hard truth that stings
like a fresh punch every time.

I guess being alone is nice, but being lonely isn't.



a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism