
Status: SMILE !!! -is all you need...
Joined: June 28, 2014
Last Seen: 2 months
user id: 383687
Gender: F

Paula_P*'s Favorite Quotes


                                Y O U
                              F  A  K  E
                            H     O      W
                           Y        O        U
                         F     E     E    L    ?

 Format © dontsellyourselfshort
Its important to realize you miss something, but to not want it back.
Omg omfg I just can't believe it 😊😊😊
Thank you God for this miracle.
Thank you for all the blessings. This day just changed my life, my way of seeing things. Omg I'm feeling so blessed and happy and grateful for everything.
Why you aren't here for me every time I need you?!
If you're not here to have my back in my difficult times ,then why do you're here im my good ones.
I need someone to support me,to have my back,to be with me whenever I need someone to talk with,,,,but not one that think only of himself.
I need someone that think the best for US and not only the best for HIM...
He came back!!! But Why??? Now that I was learning how to live without him , He suddenly appear. Idk what I feel anymore, I'm super confused 😖 . When I saw him,I felt........ I felt so many feelings that I can't even describe 😩 . But at all those feelings,I looked inside my heart ♥ and I realized that I still care about him. And the worst thing was that my brain told me That I shouldn't care about him after all he has done to me . All in all honestly he hurt me so bad,but I should admit it that I hurt myself more than he did . That because I have put him before myself. After all he was my first love 💘 and I will never forget him . But also I will not let him hurt me anymore.
I thought I was choosing HEAVEN

I didn't recognize that I was choosing HELL...


I can't get out. I want to but I can't...

I need help but there isn't anyone to help get through of this...

Your love is killing me slowly...

I need you, I need your help because you are the only one that can help me make through of this...
No one understands me...
No one even tries to understand me...
I'm tired of this...
This quote does not exist.
    Dont always say "There's still time."
Remember.There's also a concept of
    "It's too late."
What have I done???
What am I doing???
what am I going to do???