boys are stupid. you're worth so much more than that. guys get hurt when they dont get what they want. so they try to tear you down in hopes that you'll come back to them. they're stupid like that. hold off until you find the one who wants to do nothing more but put a big shiny ring on your finger ;) us girls gotta stick together. im here if you need anything
get to know him first. then after a few days, dont text him. see if he texts you. if not, just wait til the next day and txt him around 3 or 4 saying, "sorry about yesterday, i was busy" and see what he says. then txt the rest of the day, maybe the next day too. then do it again(the not texting him first thing) and then see if he starts texting you first.
HAHAHAHAHAH maattthhh jjjooookkkeeeee :D i feel like a loser cuz ive been reading quotes for like 20 minutes..and this is the only one that made me laugh out loud. hahahaha
It is true though, in 1 corinthians chapter 6, the Bible clearly states that homosexuals will not enter heaven. it IS a sin, HOWEVER. as followers of Christ, i agree with the idea that those who say rude jokes about it or say we should hate them are wrong. we should not hate gays. God does not hate gays. He hates what they do. People are not born gay, it is a psychological thing that causes them to think they are, and society supports it so much, that they act on it and DECIDE to be gay. They are simply mislead off of a bit of confusion. They might have had a friend they "liked" but they probably confused their 'love for a best friend' to real 'marriage love'. it happens all the time. however, if someone is gay, or strongly believe they are, they WILL BE JUDGED one day, by God alone. not man. God. and they will be held responsible for their actions. 1 corinthians 6 explains that God will not accept them is they chose homosexuality. thats God's law. not mans. They could have been nicer about it. I am 100% against gays, but i wouldnt be mean to a gay person, i am friends with some. im not mean to them. i just dont support them.
just tell her that her mamas so fat that when she ordered a waterbed, they laid a blanket over the pacific ocean.
yeah thats right. fight back!! and pigs........pigs get deadly when they're mad >:)
im here for you.
yeah thats right. fight back!! and pigs........pigs get deadly when they're mad >:)