
Status: Stop the world, i wanna get off
Joined: April 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 288305
Gender: F

Sara1D's Favorite Quotes

That Awkward Moment
when you remember that you've had your headphones on the whole time and there was no music playing.

This quote does not exist.

C  O  M  P  L  A  I  N  G
W O N ' T        M A K E
T  O  M  O  R  R  O  W
A N Y       B E T T E R


I don't need a reason
to kill myself,
I need a reason not too.



When you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin.


Because when that coin is in the air..
You suddenly know what you're hoping for.

person: what happened to the sweet old you?
me: well, b×tches like you killed it.
Whatever we had;
  can         we         have        i t         back         now?

BravoSierra's format

          When you give someone your phone to look at one picture and they scroll through the rest without asking.

BravoSierra's format

                                            I get to go to college. ♥

Rule number one to being my friend:
I am allowed to insult myself, but you cannot agree with me.