
Joined: March 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 159805
Gender: F
My name is Shannon Theresa Andrews
I am 15 years old as of February 11th(:
I love my boyfriend, Gregory Allen Stoudt.
He is everything I could have ever asked for.
I love him so much 6.9.12
Follow me & ill return the favor(:

Quotes by Shannontheresa14

Day 01 - Letter 1: Your bestfriend Day 02 - Letter 2: Your crush Day 03 - Letter 3: Your parents Day 04 - Letter 4: Your siblings Day 05 - Letter 5: Your dreams Day 06 - Letter 6: A stranger Day 07 - Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend Day 08 - Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend Day 09 - Letter 9: A person you wish to meet Day 10 - Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to Day 11 - Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to Day 12 - Letter 12: Person you hate the most Day 13 - Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive Day 14 - Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from Day 15 - Letter 15: The person you miss the most Day 16 - Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state Day 17 - Letter 17: Someone from your childhood Day 18 - Letter 18: The person you wish you could be Day 19 - Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad) Day 20 - Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest Day 21 - Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression Day 22 - Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to. Day 23 - Letter 23: The last person you kissed. Day 24 - Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory. Day 25 - Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times Day 26 - Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to. Day 27 - Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day Day 28 - Letter 28: Someone that changed your life Day 29 - Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to. Day 30 - Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror

Day: 4-Letter 4: Dear Siblings

     Dear Markie,
              I miss you so much. You are the best big brother ever. You are always there for me. You always give me advice about boys even know thats weird. I love the way you protect me with everything you have got. I know you hate grandma and grandpa a lot but I wish you would come around just too see me and Trevor a little more. Trevor really misses you a lot, we both do. I am not sure were you are or how you are doing but I hope you are doing well. Love you always.

     Love your little sister,
                      Shannon Theresa<3

       Dear Trevor,
                  I know that you have been struggling a lot with dad being away and having too move. I feel so bad for you that grandma and grandpa are always up your butt about EVERYTHING.  I do the best I can too defend you without making them terribly upset with me too. I know that things are really crappy right now but I promise they will get better. Just hang in there buddy.  I know we fight A LOT but I will always protect and love you. 

          Love your big sister,
                        Shannon Theresa<3



Day 01 - Letter 1: Your bestfriend Day 02 - Letter 2: Your crush Day 03 - Letter 3: Your parents Day 04 - Letter 4: Your siblings Day 05 - Letter 5: Your dreams Day 06 - Letter 6: A stranger Day 07 - Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend Day 08 - Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend Day 09 - Letter 9: A person you wish to meet Day 10 - Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to Day 11 - Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to Day 12 - Letter 12: Person you hate the most Day 13 - Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive Day 14 - Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from Day 15 - Letter 15: The person you miss the most Day 16 - Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state Day 17 - Letter 17: Someone from your childhood Day 18 - Letter 18: The person you wish you could be Day 19 - Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad) Day 20 - Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest Day 21 - Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression Day 22 - Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to. Day 23 - Letter 23: The last person you kissed. Day 24 - Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory. Day 25 - Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times Day 26 - Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to. Day 27 - Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day Day 28 - Letter 28: Someone that changed your life Day 29 - Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to. Day 30 - Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror

Day: 3-Letter 3: Dear Parents

     Dear Mom, 
               You were the best mom a child could ask for. One of the worst things that have ever happened too me was you getting sick. Thank you so much for fighting so hard for 2 years too stick around for Dad, Trevor, Mark, and I. You will always be my hero. Not a day goes by that I don't miss you terribly. You will always be in heart. I love you with all my heart mama.
         Love your daughter,
                                    Shannon Theresa<3

Dear Dad,
              When mom died you were left too try and raise me and Trevor. Well you did your best too be the best father you could be and I thank you for that. I know that we never really got along and I really regret that now. Yes I am still incredible mad for messing up mine is Trevor's lives. Ever since you went too jail my life has been a nightmare. Living with our grandparents is so hard. Also dealing with the crap that people give me at school is almost unbearable. Having my whole life flipped upsidown was extremly terrible. But worst of taken away the last parent I had is almost unforgivable. I honestly can never look at you the same for what you did but I don't hate you. You are my dad, i love you and that will never change no matter what happens. I just wish you would have made some smarter changes but I will forgive you one day. I love you and wish you the best.
    Love youe daughter,
                            Shannon Theresa<3


We do the craziest things for love. 
Day 01 - Letter 1: Your bestfriend Day 02 - Letter 2: Your crush Day 03 - Letter 3: Your parents Day 04 - Letter 4: Your siblings Day 05 - Letter 5: Your dreams Day 06 - Letter 6: A stranger Day 07 - Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend Day 08 - Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend Day 09 - Letter 9: A person you wish to meet Day 10 - Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to Day 11 - Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to Day 12 - Letter 12: Person you hate the most Day 13 - Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive Day 14 - Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from Day 15 - Letter 15: The person you miss the most Day 16 - Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state Day 17 - Letter 17: Someone from your childhood Day 18 - Letter 18: The person you wish you could be Day 19 - Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad) Day 20 - Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest Day 21 - Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression Day 22 - Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to. Day 23 - Letter 23: The last person you kissed. Day 24 - Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory. Day 25 - Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times Day 26 - Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to. Day 27 - Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day Day 28 - Letter 28: Someone that changed your life Day 29 - Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to. Day 30 - Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror


Dear Bestfriend,

         We have known eachother since I moved into the neighbor hood when we were three. I remember kind of when we first became friends. I was raking leaves in my backyard with my dad and you were playing on your swing set. You invited me too come over and play and that was the start of the best friendship I was ever going too have. A few years later we drifted but I few years later we reconnected. We got so close that when I would come over I would just walk in too your house and I spent so much of my time at your house that I felt like your family was my second family. But as we got older and I got depressed we drifted apart. Now I moved and you moved quite a bit away and I never see you and barely talk too you. I miss the friendship we use too have it and it makes me cry sometimes. No matter how much we have drifted I always will consider you my bestfriend and I hope that sometime soon we can get our friendship back too the way it was before. i love you girly.<3

    Shannon Theresa (Hanny)<3

I bet it never ever occured to you that I can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye. 



Never give up osomeone who 

☼ Means so much too you ☼                                          


I got a new puppy ♥
It's a girl but i don't know what too name her.
Any suggestions? HELP PLEASE AND THANK YOU(:

I cabe tough.I can be strong;

 but with you, its not like that at all.  

I gave it my best.
I gave it my all.

 but all you did,
was watch me fall.
                           ♥                    nmq