Life sucks then you die, but if the world didn't suck we'd all fall off.
November 16, 2011
Last Seen:
1 decade
January 10
user id:
Hello Beautiful!
If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for(:
Stay Beautiful!
Thanks for the advice, but it's that they wouldn't believe me. They'd be all like, it's all in your head, and then I wouldn't be able to say anything. If I told them about the online quizzes I took, they would just say I spend too much time on the internet.
Thanks and ive tryed both those things and they dont work. I hope everything will be alright i really do. There's so much more to me (bad) then just cutting. So its hard to be happy, thanks for making me smile. No ones done that in while :)
Sorry for doing this; I hate spam.I know you might not care; but can you please go to this link? I'm trying to win tickets for one direction.Thank you have a good day. :)
your comment was the one below mine.(;
who cares if your nose is big? It probably isn't anyway!(: you're beautiful because you love harry styles(: & your profile makes you seem like a very nice person hahahahah.
Hey. You're beautiful and I love you more than anything ♥ I know we don't talk too much anymore, but you will always be my best friend/little sister. Okay? Okay. I'M GOING TO COME KIDNAP YOU THIS SUMMER.
If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for(:
Stay Beautiful!
you seem a lott like me!
Following you back!
you like a boy named andrew and your fave member of 1D is harry.
who cares if your nose is big? It probably isn't anyway!(: you're beautiful because you love harry styles(: & your profile makes you seem like a very nice person hahahahah.