
Status: I just don't want to feel anymore.
Joined: March 2, 2013
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 351887
Location: Somewhere in Neverland
Gender: F

Brown_Eyed_Wonder*'s Favorite Quotes

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If you could read my mind 
   you'd be in tears.

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we held each other's
                                                                                 hands for five seconds.
                                                                             i was the first to pull my hand
                                                                      away. not because i didn't want
                                                       to keep holding yours forever,
                                                 but because you'd never speak to me
                                               again if you knew that i did.


she never felt like she belonged anywhere, except when she was laying on her bed, pretending to be somewhere else


It costs $0.00
to be a decent person.

we're all dreamers 
wanting to be
completely out of touch
with reality

I always wonder why
birds stay in the same place
when they can fly
anywhere on the earth.
Then I ask myself
the same question.


don't apologize for things
you can't control, for things
that are out of your reach.
you can't change some things
that happen.
stop. apologizing.

_-things i need to learn

I miss the old witty.
I had an account back in 2012.
It'd so different now.
Top quote has 15 faves?
I remember when it used to be in the hundreds.

we are all just suicidal kids telling other suicidal kids that suicide isn't the answer
You chug a fifth of alcohol by yourself, and everyone around you is too busy cheering to wonder how empty you had to be in order to do it.
I don't mean for this to be offensive in any way, since i myself, am a christian.
it's just something i've noticed every time i go to church
so don't come bit-ching at me, thanks, bye