
Joined: September 15, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 218446

Quotes by Shockey33

I havent been on here in a couple of years, but to those who read what I write, thank you. i know that im not alone :) However, not to ruin the moment I have something i need to get off my chest...

Dad, ive given up. Id given up on everthing...even you. all i do is try and try. you never call back you dont answer my messages and im done. i cant take it anymore. you'll talk to  my brothers and sisters but not me, why not? I was always closet to you growing up. Everyone said i was a mini you. I still hear it all the time. I used to love hearing it though now not so much. Actually i wish people wouldnt tell me that anymore. I hear stories about you from before I was born and they were great funny ones. i was laughed and said, "thats dad for ya.' Its not like that anymore dad and im moving on in life with or without you. I love you but im done trying. you know how to reach me if you ever wanna talk. 

your daughter

boyfriend trying to make me watch a scary movie

i miss him </3

I want to be in Heaven right now
so all my Pain will go away!

Anyone agree?

he puts tears in my eyes :'(
he puts tears in my eyes :'(
how do you post a picture as a quote
please help me?
ive got U.F.S

ugly face syndrome :(

ok so tell me what you think...i told this to my boyfriend

me: i dont know if this a good thing or not but only being 17 i never thought that i would like a guy as much as i like you. ive told you a lot about my life that me best friend doesnt even know and i think about you all the time. i use you to motivate myself in goods ways like when it comes to trying out for a sport or doing something or getting a solo in choir. theres not a moment that goes by that your not on my mind. i cant help but smile for it either. i told you i fell in love with you and i wasnt joking. i wanna give you my heart and trust that you wont break it. i dont ever want to lose you. i feel alive when i talk to you. i get butterflies especially when we talk on the fone and i cant help it. i replay conversations over and over in my head and everyday feels like a new beginning that i can do whatever i want. one thing i will never regret is being with you and ill never forget how you make me feel.

and this is what he said...

him: that is thee nicest thing a girl has ever said to me. I LOVE YOU <3 with my heart. i hope were together forever...

i love him sooooooo much!!!(: <3