
Status: So dawn goes down today, Nothing gold can stay.
Joined: April 8, 2011
Last Seen: 2 years
Birthday: August 5
user id: 163915
Gender: F
You should check this one girl out named Josephine. Shes basically my Witty sister/ best friend here so you should seriously follow her :]

She's super awkward, hasn't been on a rollercoaster, can play piano, is Canadian AND LIKES KPOP. <3

Also follow me on my two tumblr accounts :3 

Black and white blog:

Personal blog:

Comments to SpazmLovesTheMusic

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HeLivesAgain 1 decade ago
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Text me:)♡ 781-733-5543
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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How was yours? Party and red envelopes? (:
I'm so sorry. Words can't even explain how sorry I am.
I'm a bad person. But yeaah. I've been busy studying for my exams and I just finished!!! Hopefully I did good.
Uggh my life pretty much sucks now. Well school wise.
So I now that your schools has like 8 subjects a day I think? Or am I wrong?
So we have 2 semester, 4 subjects each semester. So first semester, they give us our timetable for both 1st and 2nd semester.
And I just finished 1st semester after exams and was excited for 2nd semester because I had friends in my classes.
So I go to school finding out that my whole timetable has changed and not a single of my classes stayed the same. Also, my first class is in a portable -.- So I walk into these classes without any of my friends. Like yeah, there's people that I know, but there not like the close friends you know?
And I know I have to make new friends and all, but I feel more comfortable with my old friends.
hows your life?(:
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Hope you have the very best day filled with happiness with everyone you loved c:
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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UGGH. HANNAH. We just got hit with this ice storm all day yesterday and all the tress in our neighbour hood is dead. Like they're either on the ground or they're hanging for their life. The ice on everything is so thick and heavy!! D: Like I can't even.
Yeaah. We have our exams like somewhere on the last two weeks on January? Rigght? But it gives us the break to study, but pssh not like i'm going to study or anything. lol maybe.
When I grow up...hmm i actually don't know. But i want to do something in the medical or science area. Last week we had to choose our courses and I was so scared because I didn't even know what I want to be yet.
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Loool ive been good!~ But it's been cold here :(
I'm on Christmas break too ever since Friday. hmm, yeah I went shopping on Black Friday but I only brought a pair of jeans..
Well i'm planning just to relax on Christmas break before I have to start studying for my exams :3 But ill probbally hang with my cousins and stuff. c:
Random but, what do you want to do when you're older?~
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Oh and also, do you have snow yet? :)
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!~~~ :*
omgg. I am so deeply sorry I haven't been on. I just been super busy with my
cpt's and presentation :(
Happy Late Thanksgiving (: Even if I had it like a month ago.
Did you go shopping? LOOL Cause black Friday is supposed to be super cheap.
So how's school? <-- I sound like a mother..
lool and who's that with you? not to sound creppy..
I'll try my best to come on more often!
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Aw thank you <3
I'm soo sorry. You probably don't want to hear my excuse and all but I had a huge test for History.
Like no joke. I studied it like an actual exam.
My teachers giving us back the test tomorrow and she said some of us didn't do so well -.-
Ugh, Like she's such a hard marking and all.
Omg, I told my friends that you can drive and they were mindblown (:
Hows your school? I bet you're like an A student with that brain of yours (;
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Ahaha yeah i'm in grade 10. I just turned 15 so that's more reasonable.
My dad always yells at cars when he's driving. *shake head*
LOL I think i'm 5'1. Not sure. But my younger sister is freaking my height. Like I can't.
*Random*The weather here is starting to get yucky.
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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LOOOL no. I think in America, you guys start school a year earlier...
But if it makes you think I skipped a grade, and makes me really smart. So be it!(:
But I only wish I did.
Wait. So what grade are you in?
Aww. I'm short so like my mom, I have to probbaly put like this awkward cusion thing on my seat. LOOL maybe not.
But don't worry! You'll get used to it!
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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It just tastes like
Lucky *-* There is like practically no asians here...
LOOL We have a anime club too (:
Aw don't worry. History has been hell for me. But so far, we're learning about World War 1 but I can't wait to learn about World War 2. So interesting. WTH?! YOU CAN DRIVE ALREADY?? *DEAD*
I think here, you have to be at least 16 :/ But i'm still 14 and a half so...yeah.
OMG YOU ARE SO LUCKY! But I would be scared to drive on highways cause there's a lot of cars and sometimes, half of them are crazy going so fast..
antivist 1 decade ago
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thank you o:
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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LOOOL ALLIGATOR ON A STICK. I had beaver tail before if you know what I mean(:
I actually can do push ups :D 22~ WILLPOWER!
My weeks been okay I guess. It's a big step from grade 9 that's for sure. Like there's more homework, faster due dates and stricter teachers. lool and history is harder than it looks.
omg, And I don't go for younger guys but I swear there are way more cuter guys in grade 9 than we did last year -.- Like wae can't they be born a year earlier? And yeah, at our school, there aren't that many asians too....
How are you standing up with your AP classes?(:
①ⒹⒻⒶⓃ ⒾⓈ ⓂⓎ ⒷⒻⒻ❣ღ* 1 decade ago
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Ahahah yeahhh is ok I've been super busy too
OMGGGG I'm like so jealous of you, you got to go to that concert and omg gahhhh I wish I went. Next time I'm gonna sneak in your car and come ok? You won't see me lol but seriously that is an awesome birthday present girrrrrl.
Oh and haha don't even get me started on all the homework I got on my first day of school. Lol be happy that you got a crapload of homework in the second week -.-' It gets even worse in grade 11 junior year like omg i can't even, I just wanna grrrr lol
t._.t <-special message to the school, lol. Take two, please, and I still won't serve you. (Lol do you get it, like the strips of paper in some places they give you and then they serve you your food, idk lol)
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Omg you got people flirting with you already girl?! XD
My first day of school is such a off.
Like I will hate grade 10. I have history, and then gym -_- business and to end it off, english. I swear i'm going to fall asleep. Like I can't. Plus we have to do a mile run tmw. I hate it so much. Plus my teachers are scary. Ughhh
How was your day?
sweet_littlecupcake 1 decade ago
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Oh that's what i'm scared for D: Because yeah you know who they are but you don't even talk to them. So I'll be sitting there like an awkward (but awesome) turtle. Omo, I love swimming <3 but I really suck at backstroke and I can't tread water for anything. I have that fear too! If worst possible happens, I'll just go on my back and pray I stay upfloat :3
I know! Like the cute guys are sometimes players/jerks but the not so good looking one's gotta be all sweet or friendzoned. UGGH. It makes me have high blood pressure just by thinking about it.
I go back to school next Tuesday and i'm too lazy to wake up earlier now >.<
Yeah girl, had a feeling that I had to update it (;
①ⒹⒻⒶⓃ ⒾⓈ ⓂⓎ ⒷⒻⒻ❣ღ* 1 decade ago
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YES AUSTIN MAHONE<3 He's come so far now like OMG going on the VMAs AHHHHHH! AND omg I wanted to go to that concert because I live suburbs of chicago but my mom didn't let me since I go to the 1D concert and she said 1 concert for the summer is enough lol. I wanted to go to the taylor swift red concert in chicago because Auatin Mahone was the opening act. It was the day before my birthday and my mom didn't get tickets T_T lol
①ⒹⒻⒶⓃ ⒾⓈ ⓂⓎ ⒷⒻⒻ❣ღ* 1 decade ago
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Nice profile song by the way :D ^
①ⒹⒻⒶⓃ ⒾⓈ ⓂⓎ ⒷⒻⒻ❣ღ* 1 decade ago
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OMG. I know like all of the youtubers you listed. I listen to them too. From youtube, have you heard of Austin Mahone and/or Patrick Sean Bradley? And OMG yeah when JB made their comeback, I almost died omg. And I still consider JB=Jonas Brothers <3
①ⒹⒻⒶⓃ ⒾⓈ ⓂⓎ ⒷⒻⒻ❣ღ* 1 decade ago
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Haha, lol. So I like Mayday Parade, Secondhand Serenade, Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low, Green Day, Blood On The Dance Floor, Black Veil Brides..... Meh, I'm not even listing my favorites lol whatever. Those are like the punk/rock I listen to. The pop music I listen to is like, Jonas Brothers (lol I know, but I still love them), Taylor Swift, One Direction, and like other stuffs. What about you?