
Status: believing im worth it<3
Joined: June 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: June 10
user id: 307662
Location: my music room:)
Gender: F
Hello there!!my name is MEGAN!! .I LOVE SOCCER. Without it I would literally die. Probobly kill myself. Anywayyss... I also play Basketball, cricket, Rugby,and ultimate frisbee!!! I am 14 years young and blow my candles out on the 10th of June:)I love my friends. They mean so much but none of them have wittys so yeah.. and of course i have that special guy! Witty is a place for me to escape the many things that make me want to cry every minute of every day but i am strong...I am funny,friendly,smart,athletic,and special....I AM BEAUTIFUL....and I believe I am thanks to sam...i love my guitar and keyboard;3, I play music all that I can....subtlysam practically saved my life...I wanted to kill myself because of peer pressure and people telling me im ugly. But he made me remember everything good in my life despite the bad and I cant thank him enough. I STOPPED CUTTING FINALLY .FOLLOW HIM NOW! .follow me i try to follow back! Dont be shy and ask any questions!STAY STRONG BEAUTIFULS!!!

Quotes by SportsAreMyLife


Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.
The movie that truly made me understand the tragedy.I didn't lose anyone on that day but after this movie I cried for several days as if I had.

RIP never forgotten
      format by Sandrasaurus

Page 6 on top seven days,....and living the high life:p.


(   and there's already drama.        .

Tonight is that last night......the last night before homework, drama, plastics, humiliation,teachers, tests, the list goes on and on ....I'm just so incredibly sad . It went by too fast. Bittersweet goodbye to summer:/ cant wait until SUMMER 2013

My brother asked my parents for a car
so I suggested a big white van with "I have candy" written on the side



Format by Sandrasaurus

  They called me prude
because I don't talk to guys.....there was this really hot guy who every girl wanted to date and he asked me to homecoming...I said yes but I was too shy talk to him so he bailed. My friends don't understand that in order for me to like a guy he needs to bring out the chatterbox Megan who wont stop talking. IM NOT PRUDE. I'M ME.          so don't call me that
format credit to Narwhallayouts

Format credit to Narwhallayouts


Accidently bumping into your crush at the fair too many times & wondering if he thinks you're stalking him....

format by chlozy

16 notifications

I know its not a lot to you but it means the world to me.... THANK YOU


De Ja Vu
wait hold up....didn't I already make this quote?
