Hello there!!my name is MEGAN!! .I LOVE SOCCER. Without it I would literally die. Probobly kill myself. Anywayyss... I also play Basketball, cricket, Rugby,and ultimate frisbee!!! I am 14 years young and blow my candles out on the 10th of June:)I love my friends. They mean so much but none of them have wittys so yeah.. and of course i have that special guy! Witty is a place for me to escape the many things that make me want to cry every minute of every day but i am strong...I am funny,friendly,smart,athletic,and special....I AM BEAUTIFUL....and I believe I am thanks to sam...i love my guitar and keyboard;3, I play music all that I can....subtlysam practically saved my life...I wanted to kill myself because of peer pressure and people telling me im ugly. But he made me remember everything good in my life despite the bad and I cant thank him enough. I STOPPED CUTTING FINALLY .FOLLOW HIM NOW! .follow me i try to follow back! Dont be shy and ask any questions!STAY STRONG BEAUTIFULS!!!