
Joined: February 26, 2014
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 379305
Unfortunately,I ain't dis witty in real life.

Quotes by Steezy

And i was like.. why are you so passive agressive
Lions dont sleep over the opinion of sheep.
Im scared about going on Moshi monsters,cause my monster will probably jump out of the screen and strangle me for not loving her enough.
 So are Austin and Ally going to get together or what?
I used to be fine until I realised I was Divine
Im just trying to be polite.
If only i could fake laugh my way out of dead jokes

"If you teach me how to fish id buy a pink electronic fishing rod with hook sinkers and floats cause pink is bae"
said my 11 year old sister

Whenever I get into an argument with someone my mind always thinks
Heck,there had got to be a better way you could have rephrased that,stupid adolescent.
Millenium babies are gonna be the new 90s kids?
"I like you"

"I like me too" she replied.