Hi Steve, currently at work and thought I'd give wittyprofiles a visit. So many embarrassing yet unforgettable memories were created on this website, this will always be one of my favorite sites. I've even had the chance of meeting people in real life that I met of off here. Anyway hope you are well!
Hi Steve! I know for a fact you don’t remember me because there were so many users on here and you’ve probably had billions of comments throughout the years that this website has been up. However, I unfortunately remember very vividly my humiliating days here on witty-profiles. I was super super young with a frontal lobe the size of a peanut, so my behaviour was pretty much attention-seeking and humiliating, and I remember at one point my life goal was being witty famous. Anyhow, I also remember blasting your comments literally every day at one point about anything and everything, many times being arrogant, and I also realize now that I’m older, that although your identity has remained anonymous, that us users creating accounts, you most likely can find out who we are on your end. As such, I have to sincerely apologize, I don’t know why but every time I think of this, I cringe and I have to say I’m so embarrassed lol. But nonetheless, I hope everything is still amazing for you on your end, witty profiles was and still is such an amazing and genius creation! Looking back, I see my old self and memories through quotes and familiar usernames; I didn’t realize how unique a community witty profiles was and I think I definitely took it for granted. But anyway, my main point was I had to come on here and apologize or else I would stay cringing for hours, haha. I really hope you’re having a great life! I hope to see a new creation of yours grow viral again someday!
Hi Steve! Every couple years I find myself back on this site and reminiscing. I can't believe how much has changed but its so nice coming back and seeing witty still exists :) I see that your status and location has changed, I hope all is well with you. I read in a comment below that you moved to Bangkok and now back in the US. It's so nice reading about you and getting to know you a little better. I was always so curious as a kid as to who was the man behind the Steve account haha.
Hello Steve! I just saw the person below me had a very similar experience as me haha. I also loved this website as a kid and it was my first time playing around with html and so on. I did actually become a web developer once I finished high school, after many years of it being my "dream job". My new "dream job" is to eventually create an online community that means to others as much as wittyprofiles (and many others) meant to me as a kid. So, anyway, thanks for creating this amazing site!
Hi Steve! wow what a ghost town... but all great things must come to an end. I used to spend a lot of time here back when I was 13. I made a bunch of friends.. This site also sparked an interest in pursuing a degree in web development; I would play around with the html/css coding for the quotes and profile layouts. Well, sadly after a year in college, I changed my major and graduated with a different degree haha. I just want to say thank you so much for creating Witty! Once in a while I remember the good old times. This was really impactful, not only to me, but to many others. Also, reading about your new status and location... hope all is well with you. Hope you are happy :)
Thank you for the comment. I enjoy hearing how Witty has positively affected so many people like you. Things are better than ever for me. I wish the same for you.
Hi Steve, I hope you're doing well. I haven't logged in to my account for 9 years! Life happens and one day I just remember Witty Profiles. I feel relieved to found out that Witty Profiles still exist. Took me quite a while to remember my username (but I remember yours very well, lol), for a moment I thought I had my account deleted. But here I am! Witty Profiles has been a big part of my teenage life. I was a sad and lonely person back then, it's good to have a place to vent out all my feelings. Well I guess I just wanted to say thank you for creating Witty Profiles!
Hi Steve! I'm reconnecting with my high school friends, and that prompted me to log back in to my Witty account! This site holds a lot of memories for me from my high school years, both good and bad. It's great to see my growth through my account and previous accounts I used. Hope you're doing well and your further endeavors have been productive.
Thank you! It certainly wasn't anything I expected almost 10 years ago, but i'm happy! How has quarantine been for you? It's so odd that just saying that has become the new norm. One day 10 years from now, i'll log back on and see this comment and remember the mess that 2020 was.
Hey Steve! I'm having trouble uploading pictures from my iPhone to set as my profile picture on here? I've never had that hsppen before. A message comes up saying that my picture is the wrong format, or too big? :o
Anyway around this, or maybe it's just a bug?
Probably too big. I’ll have to increase the file size limit to support more modern phone picture sizes. I’ll let you know when I update it - probably tonight.
Steve!!! You're still here ?! AND you're in Boston ?! That's so crazy, I am also! I go to college right in the city and I would actually be so interested in knowing what you are up to and how things are since I have been on Witty for as long as I can remember! Reply back soon! P.S. Are you doing anything to get Witty more popular // are you working on other projects? I'm quite fascinated!
Hi Vanessa! Sadly I don't live in Boston anymore. I just haven't updated my profile. I moved to Bangkok in 2015 and back to the USA (to the American Southwest) in 2018. Boston is a great city. You are lucky to go to school there! It's a little outside the city, but I used to go grocery shopping at Super88 in Brighton a lot. I think it's still there. You should check it out. They have/had a great food court too. I used to order Bibimbap from the place in the corner in the winter. Anyway... I'm working on some new projects ( twitter.com/landscapeartbot ), but mostly boring 9-5 programming for a big company just north of Boston.
Hey Steve, I was thinking that it would be cool if we can have the option to archive our posts/comments and our poems. I think this would be a great thing instead of deleting them.
hi, steve. not sure if you remember me, but i was one of many who found a home within your site. when i joined i was twelve and alone and sad and determined that i was nothing and that i wasn't going to make it. i didn't think life was worth living. now i am twenty-one and i am so grateful to know that life is so worth living and that i am worth so much more than i ever thought i was. i graduated college in december (a semester early!) and now i have a whole adult (eep!) job in politics and i hope that i will make a difference in this world. there are no words to properly articulate how much this website has meant to me - within it, i found friends and realized that i wasn't alone in this. i found a place to pour out my heart and soul. i found a home. to this day, i still talk to the people i became close friends with when i was younger. this website gave me hope when i had none. the love and care that i got from witty is something i still carry with me. you would've thought by now my melodramatics would've mellowed out or something, but i'm still as dramatic as ever. i still have very bad days and there are more times then i'd like to admit where i don't think that i'll make it, but i know that i will make it through it (however painfully and reluctantly, i am here and that has to mean something). i know you never intended for this site to be taken over by a bunch of teenage girls to turn into their personal diaries, but as one of those teenage girls, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating this website. i hope that you're doing well and i am always always wishing you the best. (ALSO WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I ALWAYS ASKED IF I COULD SEE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE and i simply feel that now i'm an adult so i should be able to know, you know?) anyways, thank you again, steve. for everything.
Hi there. Of course I remember you from the boom days of Witty. I'm happy the hear you're doing well and succeeding. You now have one more person in the world who is proud of you. (my identity is still secret!)
Anyway around this, or maybe it's just a bug?
- Vanessa
I miss when this site had so many members, but I do kind of like how quiet it is now?